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GPRS Loggernet problem

FeD Apr 29, 2013 10:44 AM

Hello to everyone,

I have not find a similar problem on the forum, I hope you can help me because it looks like a simple issue.

I have a CR1000 connected to a GPRS modem via the RS232 port. This logger is connected to internet since I can send emails and I have a program that tells me the WAN IP of the logger. The problem comes when I setup an IPPort/PakbusPort/CR1000 on LoggerNet and try to connect to that IP of the logger, I can't reach the station.
I'm following the same procedure I follow with Ethernet connections.

I have made ping to the IP and I can reach it.

If I look into the status table of the logger, it gives me an IP which is different than the WAN, I guess that is normal.

Do I need to configure something in the logger or the modem in order to allow LoggerNet to connect to the logger?

I think the problem is there.

aps Apr 29, 2013 10:52 AM

The most likely explanation is logger is on a private network and the WAN IP address you see when it connects back to Loggernet is the address of a router owned by the network provider that routes traffic from the private network out to the Internet. Many networks are now set up like this to protect users from hacking and to allow reuse of IP addresses.

Unless you have bought a service that routes a public IP through to the loggers private IP then it will never work.

I suggest you talk to the SIM/service provider to see if they offer a fixed IP service which has a public IP.

Few do now though but many do offer a fixed IP service which you have to access via a VPN connection into their network. Please check with them what options are on offer.

FeD Apr 29, 2013 11:06 AM

Thank you very much, that sounds very likely.

So if they don't give me this fixed IP there is no possible way I can download data with loggernet? Maybe FTP?

aps Apr 29, 2013 11:16 AM

You can send files by ftp or email. However, you can also use Loggernet in call-back mode if the Loggernet server has a fixed public IP address (as opposed to the logger). Details are given in this manual:


OR we can provide a service where we collect the data for you, see:


FeD Apr 29, 2013 11:25 AM

That's great, I should have to ask our network administrators if they can forward one port into the computer with LoggerNet.

That allows us to download the data, but with this method we can't monitor data on real time or change the logger configuration, right?

Is there a solution for that?

aps Apr 29, 2013 11:33 AM

If you follow the instructions in that manual, and you have the power at the logger end and are not paying too much per byte of data, Loggernet can be set to maintain the connection open, which means you can then use it as normal for any of the functions you listed.

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