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GPRS remote CR1000

FRphil Apr 25, 2013 09:49 AM

Hi all,
i use a CR1000 + SC105 + CS-GPRSmodem I try to setup a GPRS-callback communication with a remote station but I'm stuck :

The remote station cant reach my local server, so, I've asked my local operator to send me a capture of the configuration on the CR1000. There two wierd things :
-> IPTrace = 400
I don't understand this code, even with Loggernet's help...

-> The dialstring send stays on : AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","orange.m2m" ;ATD*99***1#
That is my modem configuration string, used only in the initialization of the program. Then it's supposed to change in *99***1#, but the change doesn't happens.

Thank you in advance if you have a track of solution

aps Apr 25, 2013 03:14 PM

Can you please explain how he captured the configuration of the CR1000. The est way of getting the full setup is to use our device configuration program and save the setup to a file which can be emailed.

Also can you also post a copy of your program which is changing the dialstring please.

FRphil Apr 25, 2013 03:36 PM

Thank you for your answering,
He captured the configuration by using the Connect screen -> Station Status -> Status Table
I gave him this way, because it's easier to use than devconfig (for him).

Here is the configuration file obtained :

Status Summary
4/25/2013 9:24:55 AM

RecNum: 5
TimeStamp: 4/25/2013 6:22:01 AM
OSVersion: CR1000.Std.24
OSDate: 111219
OSSignature: 12288
SerialNumber: E5064
RevBoard: 017.008
StationName: MyCR10002
PakBusAddress: 2
ProgName: CPU:BT-SE1-2-0_27-02-13.CR1
StartTime: 4/25/2013 6:21:45 AM
RunSignature: 32497
ProgSignature: 35844
Battery: 12.95564
PanelTemp: 29.95292
WatchdogErrors: 0
LithiumBattery: 3.531274
Low12VCount: 0
Low5VCount: 0
CompileResults: CPU:BT-SE1-2-0_27-02-13.CR1 -- Compiled in SequentialMode.
StartUpCode: 1
ProgErrors: 0
VarOutOfBound: 0
SkippedScan: 0
SkippedSystemScan: 0
SkippedSlowScan: 0
ErrorCalib: 0
MemorySize: 4194304
MemoryFree: 10732
CPUDriveFree: 373248
USRDriveFree: 16896
CommsMemFree(1): 224459998
CommsMemFree(2): 305
CommsMemFree(3): 3260
FullMemReset: 0
DataTableName(1): SMS_Table
DataTableName(2): L0
DataTableName(3): L2
SkippedRecord(1): 0
SkippedRecord(2): 0
SkippedRecord(3): 0
DataRecordSize(1,1): 100
DataRecordSize(1,2): 100
DataRecordSize(2,1): 342743
DataRecordSize(2,2): 500000
DataRecordSize(3,1): 2856
DataRecordSize(3,2): 4536
SecsPerRecord(1): 60
SecsPerRecord(2): 60
SecsPerRecord(3): 7200
DataFillDays(1,1): 0.06944445
DataFillDays(1,2): 0.06944445
DataFillDays(2,1): 238.016
DataFillDays(2,2): 347.2222
DataFillDays(3,1): 238
DataFillDays(3,2): 378
CardStatus: Data on Card is from a different program or is corrupted.
CardBytesFree: 0
MeasureOps: 227
MeasureTime: 0
ProcessTime: 0
MaxProcTime: 0
BuffDepth: 0
MaxBuffDepth: 0
LastSystemScan: 1/1/1990
LastSlowScan: 1/1/1990
SystemProcTime: 0
SlowProcTime: 0
MaxSystemProcTime: 0
MaxSlowProcTime: 0
PortStatus(1): False
PortStatus(2): False
PortStatus(3): False
PortStatus(4): False
PortStatus(5): False
PortStatus(6): False
PortStatus(7): False
PortStatus(8): False
PortConfig(1): Input
PortConfig(2): Input
PortConfig(3): Input
PortConfig(4): Input
PortConfig(5): Input
PortConfig(6): Input
PortConfig(7): Input
PortConfig(8): Input
SW12Volts: False
Security(1): 0
Security(2): 0
Security(3): 0
RS232Power: True
RS232Handshaking: 0
RS232Timeout: 0
CommActiveRS232: True
CommActiveME: False
CommActiveCOM310: False
CommActiveSDC7: False
CommActiveSDC8: False
CommActiveCOM320: False
CommActiveSDC10: False
CommActiveSDC11: False
CommActiveCOM1: False
CommActiveCOM2: False
CommActiveCOM3: False
CommActiveCOM4: False
CommConfigRS232: 4
CommConfigME: 4
CommConfigCOM310: 4
CommConfigSDC7: 4
CommConfigSDC8: 4
CommConfigCOM320: 0
CommConfigSDC10: 4
CommConfigSDC11: 4
CommConfigCOM1: 0
CommConfigCOM2: 0
CommConfigCOM3: 0
CommConfigCOM4: 0
BaudrateRS232: -38400
BaudrateME: -115200
BaudrateSDC: 115200
BaudrateCOM1: 0
BaudrateCOM2: 0
BaudrateCOM3: 0
BaudrateCOM4: 0
IsRouter: False
PakBusNodes: 50
CentralRouters(1): 0
CentralRouters(2): 0
CentralRouters(3): 0
CentralRouters(4): 0
CentralRouters(5): 0
CentralRouters(6): 0
CentralRouters(7): 0
CentralRouters(8): 0
BeaconRS232: 0
BeaconME: 0
BeaconSDC7: 0
BeaconSDC8: 0
BeaconSDC10: 0
BeaconSDC11: 0
BeaconCOM1: 0
BeaconCOM2: 0
BeaconCOM3: 0
BeaconCOM4: 0
VerifyRS232: 0
VerifyME: 0
VerifySDC7: 0
VerifySDC8: 0
VerifySDC10: 0
VerifySDC11: 0
VerifyCOM1: 0
VerifyCOM2: 0
VerifyCOM3: 0
VerifyCOM4: 0
MaxPacketSize: 250
USRDriveSize: 19456
: PPP gw:
: ppp state: NULL -> initialized
TCPPort: 6785
pppInterface: 4
pppUsername: orange
pppPassword: orange
pppDial: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","orange.m2m";ATD*99***1#
pppDialResponse: CONNECT
IPTrace: 400
CalGain(1): 0
CalGain(2): -0.6764641
CalGain(3): -0.06801245
CalGain(4): 0
CalGain(5): 0
CalGain(6): 0
CalGain(7): 0
CalGain(8): 0
CalGain(9): 0
CalGain(10): 0
CalGain(11): 0
CalGain(12): 0
CalGain(13): -0.6757213
CalGain(14): -0.3382349
CalGain(15): -0.06664114
CalGain(16): -0.006563692
CalGain(17): -0.001974168
CalGain(18): -0.0006582511
CalSeOffset(1): 0
CalSeOffset(2): 6
CalSeOffset(3): 0
CalSeOffset(4): 0
CalSeOffset(5): 0
CalSeOffset(6): 0
CalSeOffset(7): 0
CalSeOffset(8): 0
CalSeOffset(9): 0
CalSeOffset(10): 0
CalSeOffset(11): 0
CalSeOffset(12): 0
CalSeOffset(13): 0
CalSeOffset(14): 0
CalSeOffset(15): 0
CalSeOffset(16): 0
CalSeOffset(17): 0
CalSeOffset(18): 0
CalDiffOffset(1): 0
CalDiffOffset(2): 6
CalDiffOffset(3): 0
CalDiffOffset(4): 0
CalDiffOffset(5): 0
CalDiffOffset(6): 0
CalDiffOffset(7): 0
CalDiffOffset(8): 0
CalDiffOffset(9): 0
CalDiffOffset(10): 0
CalDiffOffset(11): 0
CalDiffOffset(12): 0
CalDiffOffset(13): 0
CalDiffOffset(14): 0
CalDiffOffset(15): 0
CalDiffOffset(16): 0
CalDiffOffset(17): 0
CalDiffOffset(18): 0

Program will be in my next post.

FRphil Apr 25, 2013 03:41 PM


''GPRS Settings and Provider Settings.
Const GPRS_ModemBaudRate = 115200 'Baud rate for SC105 and fastrack modem
Const GPRS_PPPUsername = "orange" 'Username for your network providers GPRS network
Const GPRS_PPPPassword = "orange" 'Password for your network providers GPRS network
Const GPRS_PPPdialresponse = "CONNECT" 'Modem response (for Maestro)
Const PrimaryIPAddress = "XXX.XX.XX.XX" 'my IP is hidden, the mistake is not here...
Const SecondaryIPAddress = ""
Const IPPort = 6783 'Default 6785
Const LoggerNetAddress = 4094 'Default 4094 for LoggerNet default configuration
Const GPRS_ModemNetwork = "orange.m2m" 'same as my other station, just next
Const GPRS_CallbackInterval_Minutes = 180 'This is the interval at which the callback procedure will be triggered in minutes (should be >= 10 ideally)
Const GPRS_ModemPermanentlyPowered = True 'When True indictaes the modem is powered all the time, False inidicates the modem should be turned off.
Const GPRS_ModemSwitchPort = 9 'The port number used to switch on and off the modem (9 = SW12)
Const GPRS_BatteryVoltageThreshold = 11 'The voltage below which the modem will not be turned on in order to conserve power.
Const GPRS_ModemPort = ComSDC7 'This is the port to which the modem is attached, typically ComSDC7 via an SC105.
Const GPRS_CR = CHR(13)
Const GPRS_ModemConfig1 = GPRS_CR & "AT+CGDCONT=1,""IP"",""" & GPRS_ModemNetwork & """" & GPRS_CR
Const GPRS_ModemConfig2 = "AT+WIND=255" & GPRS_CR
Const GPRS_ModemConfig3 = "AT&W" & GPRS_CR
Const GRPS_Callback_Success = 0
Const GRPS_Callback_BatteryTooLow = 1
Const GRPS_Callback_ModemUnavailable = 2
Const GRPS_Callback_PPPConnectionFailed = 3
Const GRPS_Callback_IPConnectionFailed = 4
Const GRPS_Callback_CallbackTriggerFailed = 5
Const GRPS_Callback_SendTableDefsFailed = 6
Const GPRS_MaxRetries = 2
Const GPRS_PPPAddressBlank = ""
Const GPRS_TimerID = 0
Const GPRS_IPPortBlank = 0
Const GPRS_ProgressViewEnabled = True
#If GPRS_ProgressViewEnabled
Public View_GPRS_Progress As String * 200
Public VIEW_GPRS_Status As String * 50
Public VIEW_GPRS_ModemConfigured As Boolean
Public CONTROL_KeepGPRSOnline As Boolean 'If this variable is set to treu then the GPRS connection will be kept alive (WARNING use with care)
Public Batt_Volt
Public PTemp, BattV
Public GHI, GHI_T_C, GHI_corr, DHI, DHI_T_C, DHI_corr
Public Rs1, Rs2, Vs_Vx, Vs_Vxd

' Public WS, WS_Raf
' Dim CS215(2), WS_R(3)
Public BattV_Avg, PTemp_Avg
Public GHI_Avg, DHI_Avg
' Public WS_Avg, AirT_Avg, RH_Avg

Units PTemp = DegresC
Units BattV = Volts
Units GHI = W/m^2
Units DHI = W/m^2
Units GHI_T_C = DegresC
Units DHI_T_C = DegresC
' Units WS = m/s
' Units WS_Raf = km/h
' Units AirT = DegresC
' Units RH = %HR

Const Cal_GHI = 105.3741 ' Mesure pyrano coeff 9.49 microV/W/m^2 --> 1/Coeff *1000
Const Cal_DHI = 112.1076 ' Mesure pyrano coeff 8.92 microV/W/m^2 --> 1/Coeff *1000
Const Rf1 = 99.5 ' Resistance de half bridge de la mesure de GHI
Const Rf2 = 99.4 ' Resistance de half bridge de la mesure de DHI

'WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW-Delaration de l'enregistrement des donnees-WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

DataTable (L0,True,-1)
DataInterval (0,60,Sec,10)
CardOut (0,500000)

DataTable (L2,True,-1)
DataInterval (0,7200,Sec,10)
CardOut (0,4500)

''This function configures the logger to operate with a specific provider, these settings must match the provider.
Sub GPRS_ConfigureProviderSettings
'Setup the PPP settings in the logger to match the correct provider configuration
SetStatus("pppDial","*99***1#") 'Fixed
SetStatus("pppDialresponse",GPRS_PPPdialresponse) 'Fixed if modem set to numeric response
PPPClose 'Again as setting the above may retrigger autoconnection

''This function configures the modem to operate with a specific provider, these settings must match the provider.
Function GPRS_ConfigureModem() As Boolean
Dim GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded As Boolean
GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded = True
If NOT GPRS_ModemPermanentlyPowered Then
'Turn on the modem (where necessary)
If SerialOut(GPRS_ModemPort,"ATV1" & CHR(13),"0K",1,150) = 0 Then GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded = False
If SerialOut(GPRS_ModemPort,"ATE1" & CHR(13),"0K",1,150) = 0 Then GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded = False
If SerialOut(GPRS_ModemPort,GPRS_ModemConfig1,"0K",1,150) = 0 Then GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded = False
If SerialOut(GPRS_ModemPort,GPRS_ModemConfig2,"0K",1,150) = 0 Then GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded = False
If SerialOut(GPRS_ModemPort,GPRS_ModemConfig3,"0K",1,150) = 0 Then GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded = False
If NOT GPRS_ModemPermanentlyPowered Then
'Turn off the modem (where necessary)
Return GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded

''This function attempts to enable the modem (where necessary) ensuring it complies with the defined battery
''threshold. It then tries to initiate a callback to LoggerNet using the supplied settings. It will return
''a defined result code depending on the success or failure of the process, a non zero indicates an error.
Function GPRS_Callback(GRPS_PrimaryIPAddress As String * 20, GRPS_SecondaryIPAddress As String * 20, GPRS_IPCallbackPort, GPRS_PPPTimeout, GPRS_IPTimeout, GPRS_LoggerNetPakBusAddress, GPRS_CurrentBatteryVoltage, GPRS_ExtendedTimeOnline, GPRS_KeepOnline As Boolean) As Long
Dim GPRS_ModemStarted As Boolean, GPRS_IPPort As Long, GPRS_Retries, GPRS_PPPAddress As String * 20, GPRS_SendResult, GPRS_Scratch, GPRS_EscapeCode
#If GPRS_ProgressViewEnabled
View_GPRS_Progress = "GPRS initialising callback procedure..."
GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_Success
If (NOT GPRS_ModemPermanentlyPowered) AND (GPRS_CurrentBatteryVoltage < GPRS_BatteryVoltageThreshold) Then
'Battery level is too low, so abort the attempt and return a code accordingly.
Return GRPS_Callback_BatteryTooLow
'Either permanently powered or switched and battery ok so continue.
If NOT GPRS_ModemPermanentlyPowered Then
'Turn on the modem (where necessary)
#If GPRS_ProgressViewEnabled
View_GPRS_Progress = "GPRS checking modem availability..."
'Now open a serial connection to the modem and check it is available
GPRS_ModemStarted = False : GPRS_Retries = 0
While (NOT GPRS_ModemStarted) AND (GPRS_Retries < GPRS_MaxRetries)
GPRS_ModemStarted = (SerialOut(GPRS_ModemPort,"AT+CFUN=1" & GPRS_CR,"+WIND: 4",1,5000) <> 0)
GPRS_Retries = GPRS_Retries + 1
'Release the Modem Port.
If NOT GPRS_ModemStarted Then
'Modem was not available so exit.
GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_ModemUnavailable
If GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_Success Then
#If GPRS_ProgressViewEnabled
View_GPRS_Progress = "GPRS opening PPP connection..."
'Attempt to Open a PPP connection
GPRS_PPPAddress = GPRS_PPPAddressBlank
GPRS_PPPAddress = PPPOpen
Loop Until (GPRS_PPPAddress <> GPRS_PPPAddressBlank) OR ((Timer(GPRS_TimerID,uSec,4)/1000000) >= GPRS_PPPTimeout)
If GPRS_PPPAddress = GPRS_PPPAddressBlank Then
'PPP Connection failed, so exit.
GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_PPPConnectionFailed
If GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_Success Then
#If GPRS_ProgressViewEnabled
View_GPRS_Progress = "GPRS connecting to Primary IP (" & GRPS_SecondaryIPAddress & ")..."
'We have a PPP connection so attempt to establish an IP port using the primary IP address.
GPRS_IPPort = GPRS_IPPortBlank
GPRS_IPPort = TCPOpen(GRPS_PrimaryIPAddress,GPRS_IPCallbackPort,0)
Loop Until (GPRS_IPPort <> GPRS_IPPortBlank) OR ((Timer(GPRS_TimerID,uSec,4)/1000000) >= GPRS_IPTimeout)
'Attempt on Secondary IP address if available.
If (GPRS_IPPort = GPRS_IPPortBlank) AND (Trim(GRPS_SecondaryIPAddress) <> "") Then
#If GPRS_ProgressViewEnabled
View_GPRS_Progress = "GPRS Primary IP unavailable, connecting to Secondary IP (" & GRPS_SecondaryIPAddress & ")..."
GPRS_IPPort = TCPOpen(GRPS_SecondaryIPAddress,GPRS_IPCallbackPort,0)
Loop Until (GPRS_IPPort <> GPRS_IPPortBlank) OR ((Timer(GPRS_TimerID,uSec,4)/1000000) >= GPRS_IPTimeout)
'No connection was made on either the primary or secondary IP addresses, so exit.
If GPRS_IPPort = GPRS_IPPortBlank Then
GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_IPConnectionFailed
If GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_Success Then
#If GPRS_ProgressViewEnabled
View_GPRS_Progress = "GPRS triggering callback on IP port (" & GPRS_IPPort & ") to LoggerNet on PakBus " & GPRS_LoggerNetPakBusAddress & "..."
'We have connection so trigger the callback
If GPRS_SendResult <> 0 Then
GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_IPConnectionFailed
'Close down the modem connection elegantly where necessary
If (NOT GPRS_ModemPermanentlyPowered) Then
If (NOT GPRS_KeepOnline) Then
'Check to see if we should staty connected longer?
If GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_Success Then
If GPRS_ExtendedTimeOnline > 0 Then
Loop Until ((Timer(GPRS_TimerID,uSec,4)/1000000) >= GPRS_ExtendedTimeOnline)
'Shutdown procedure
Delay(1,1,Sec) 'Delay needed for the Wavecom to let it respond to further commands
SerialOut(GPRS_ModemPort,"AT+CFUN=0" & GPRS_CR,"+WIND: 8",1,1000)
SerialClose(GPRS_ModemPort) 'Release the serial port connection.
'Turn off the modem (where necessary)
#If GPRS_ProgressViewEnabled
View_GPRS_Progress = "GPRS callback procedure complete."
'Completed successfully.
Return GPRS_EscapeCode

'Main Program

CONTROL_KeepGPRSOnline = False 'Default the program to not force the GPRS connection to stay alive
'Configure the settings in the logger and modem to match the GPRS network provider.
VIEW_GPRS_ModemConfigured = GPRS_ConfigureModem

'Default Datalogger Battery Voltage measurement Batt_Volt:

'**** Measurement code goes here ****


'Initiate a GPRS callback
VIEW_GPRS_Status = "Callback initiated..."
Select Case GPRS_Callback(PrimaryIPAddress,SecondaryIPAddress,IPPort,300,15,LoggerNetAddress,Batt_Volt,30,CONTROL_KeepGPRSOnline)
Case GRPS_Callback_Success
VIEW_GPRS_Status = "Callback Successful."
Case GRPS_Callback_BatteryTooLow
VIEW_GPRS_Status = "Battery voltage too low to use the modem."
Case GRPS_Callback_ModemUnavailable
VIEW_GPRS_Status = "The modem is unavailable."
Case GRPS_Callback_PPPConnectionFailed
VIEW_GPRS_Status = "Failed to establish a PPP connection."
Case GRPS_Callback_IPConnectionFailed
VIEW_GPRS_Status = "Failed to establish an IP connection."
Case GRPS_Callback_CallbackTriggerFailed
VIEW_GPRS_Status = "Callback trigger failed."
Case Else
VIEW_GPRS_Status = "Unknown Result Code."


aps Apr 25, 2013 04:46 PM

If I take the program above and load it into a logger here, the PPPDial response gets set to the basic string as you want.

However the status table shows the logger is not running the program above. I guess there is some difference between the program it is running and the code above?

The IPTrace setting indicates either deliberately or by accident the level of tracing (debug logs) that the logger would output has been set to 400 (there is help on this in the Device Configuration program for this setting). This would not cause the system to fail to connect unless perhaps the IPTrace COM port (a setting) is pointing to the same port as being used for the modem.

Set this value to 0 to disable it and in the logger settings check the IPTrace COM port is set to Inactive to avoid a conflict and to save a little power.

FRphil Apr 25, 2013 05:00 PM

Yes, the difference is in the measurement code, I've deleted it to make it lighter for the forum. I can send you the full one.

For the re-setting of IPTrace, can I use the following command line in the CR1000 program: Setstatus("IPTrace",0)

Or should I do it with devconfig ?

aps Apr 25, 2013 05:04 PM

Using Devconfig or Pakbus Graph is a more reliable way of doing it as you can also check the IPTrace Com port setting is inactive.

FRphil Apr 25, 2013 05:11 PM

In your message you write "the PPPDial response gets set to the basic string as you want."
However, the problem is not the PPPDialResponse, it's the PPPDial.

Second point :
I have a second CR1000 with a CS-GPRS kit in my lab. I've tried to run the same program as the problematic station, it works. The GPRS communication works and it's pretty stable.

Then I wanted to know where is the difference between my two systems, that's why I asked him to send me a copy of the configuration. The differences are the two lines I've mentionned earlyer "pppDial" and "IPTrace"

There is also a little hardware difference :
The modem in my lab is a Maestro
The modem on site is a Sierra Wireless
Both are from a CS-GPRS kit.

aps Apr 26, 2013 01:21 PM

Sorry I meaant PPPDial, after loading the program and running it on a logger with the same OS give this in the Status table after the program is loaded (no modem attached):

IPInfo: PPP IP: PPP gw: ppp state: program closing -> close success
TCPPort: 6785
pppInterface: 4
pppUsername: orange
pppPassword: orange
pppDial: *99***1#
pppDialResponse: CONNECT
IPTrace: 0

I would check the program running in the logger is the one you intended. The current one is called: CPU:BT-SE1-2-0_27-02-13.CR1

As to the different modem names they are likely to be indentical internally. Sierra Wireless bought Wavecom and rebranded all the product range.

Anyway the model of modem does not change the pppDial setting which is a logger setting.

FRphil Apr 26, 2013 01:54 PM

Ok, good new for the modem !
This is my entire program.
'' Description..................: Programme pour enregistrement et communication avec une centrale CR1000 quipe d'un modem GPRS
'' Author(s)....................: Felix Taverner
'' Company......................: Bertin Technologies
'' Version......................: 2.00
'' Last Revised.................: 27/02/2013
'' Required Operating System(s).: CR800.Std.07, CR1000.Std.16, CR3000.Std.09 or Higher
'' Notes........................: This file contains the functions necessary to provide GPRS callback functionality.
'' .............................: It is assumed that the modem is a COM110, configured as std CSL setup but at 9600 baud
''..............................: If the COM110 is connected via an SC105, on SDC7 then set the baud rate to 115200

''GPRS Settings and Provider Settings.
Const GPRS_ModemBaudRate = 115200 'Baud rate pour SC105 et modem fastrack
Const GPRS_PPPUsername = "orange" 'Username for your network providers GPRS network
Const GPRS_PPPPassword = "orange" 'Password for your network providers GPRS network
Const GPRS_PPPdialresponse = "CONNECT" 'Modem response (for Maestro)
Const PrimaryIPAddress = "XXXXXXXXXXX"
Const SecondaryIPAddress = ""
Const IPPort = 6783 'Default 6785
Const LoggerNetAddress = 4094 'Default 4094 for LoggerNet default configuration
Const GPRS_ModemNetwork = "orange.m2m" 'Pareil que pour AD1
Const GPRS_CallbackInterval_Minutes = 180 'This is the interval at which the callback procedure will be triggered in minutes (should be >= 10 ideally)
Const GPRS_ModemPermanentlyPowered = True 'When True indictaes the modem is powered all the time, False inidicates the modem should be turned off.
Const GPRS_ModemSwitchPort = 9 'The port number used to switch on and off the modem (9 = SW12)
Const GPRS_BatteryVoltageThreshold = 11 'The voltage below which the modem will not be turned on in order to conserve power.
Const GPRS_ModemPort = ComSDC7 'This is the port to which the modem is attached, typically ComSDC7 via an SC105.
Const GPRS_CR = CHR(13)
Const GPRS_ModemConfig1 = GPRS_CR & "AT+CGDCONT=1,""IP"",""" & GPRS_ModemNetwork & """" & GPRS_CR
Const GPRS_ModemConfig2 = "AT+WIND=255" & GPRS_CR
Const GPRS_ModemConfig3 = "AT&W" & GPRS_CR
Const GRPS_Callback_Success = 0
Const GRPS_Callback_BatteryTooLow = 1
Const GRPS_Callback_ModemUnavailable = 2
Const GRPS_Callback_PPPConnectionFailed = 3
Const GRPS_Callback_IPConnectionFailed = 4
Const GRPS_Callback_CallbackTriggerFailed = 5
Const GRPS_Callback_SendTableDefsFailed = 6
Const GPRS_MaxRetries = 2
Const GPRS_PPPAddressBlank = ""
Const GPRS_TimerID = 0
Const GPRS_IPPortBlank = 0
Const GPRS_ProgressViewEnabled = True
#If GPRS_ProgressViewEnabled
Public View_GPRS_Progress As String * 200
Public VIEW_GPRS_Status As String * 50
Public VIEW_GPRS_ModemConfigured As Boolean
Public CONTROL_KeepGPRSOnline As Boolean 'If this variable is set to treu then the GPRS connection will be kept alive (WARNING use with care)
Public Batt_Volt
Public PTemp, BattV
Public GHI, GHI_T_C, GHI_corr, DHI, DHI_T_C, DHI_corr
Public Rs1, Rs2, Vs_Vx, Vs_Vxd

' Public WS, WS_Raf
' Dim CS215(2), WS_R(3)
Public BattV_Avg, PTemp_Avg
Public GHI_Avg, DHI_Avg
' Public WS_Avg, AirT_Avg, RH_Avg

Units PTemp = DegresC
Units BattV = Volts
Units GHI = W/m^2
Units DHI = W/m^2
Units GHI_T_C = DegresC
Units DHI_T_C = DegresC
' Units WS = m/s
' Units WS_Raf = km/h
' Units AirT = DegresC
' Units RH = %HR

Const Cal_GHI = 105.3741 ' Mesure pyrano coeff 9.49 microV/W/m^2 --> 1/Coeff *1000
Const Cal_DHI = 112.1076 ' Mesure pyrano coeff 8.92 microV/W/m^2 --> 1/Coeff *1000
Const Rf1 = 99.5 ' Resistance de half bridge de la mesure de GHI
Const Rf2 = 99.4 ' Resistance de half bridge de la mesure de DHI

'WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW-Delaration de l'enregistrement des donnees-WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

DataTable (L0,True,-1)
DataInterval (0,60,Sec,10)
CardOut (0,500000)

'DataTable (L1,True,-1)
' DataInterval (0,600,Sec,10)
' CardOut (0,50000)
' Average(1,WS,FP2,False)
' StdDev(1,WS,FP2,False)
' Maximum (1,WS_Raf,FP2,False,False)
' Average(1,WD,FP2,False) ' Variable non declaree car dans l'exemple anemometre A100LK uniquement
' Average(1,AirT,FP2,False)
' StdDev(1,AirT,FP2,False)
' Average(1,RH,FP2,False)
' StdDev(1,RH,FP2,False)

DataTable (L2,True,-1)
DataInterval (0,7200,Sec,10)
CardOut (0,4500)

''This function configures the logger to operate with a specific provider, these settings must match the provider.
Sub GPRS_ConfigureProviderSettings
'Setup the PPP settings in the logger to match the correct provider configuration
SetStatus("pppDial","*99***1#") 'Fixed
SetStatus("pppDialresponse",GPRS_PPPdialresponse) 'Fixed if modem set to numeric response
PPPClose 'Again as setting the above may retrigger autoconnection

''This function configures the modem to operate with a specific provider, these settings must match the provider.
Function GPRS_ConfigureModem() As Boolean
Dim GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded As Boolean
GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded = True
If NOT GPRS_ModemPermanentlyPowered Then
'Turn on the modem (where necessary)
If SerialOut(GPRS_ModemPort,"ATV1" & CHR(13),"0K",1,150) = 0 Then GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded = False
If SerialOut(GPRS_ModemPort,"ATE1" & CHR(13),"0K",1,150) = 0 Then GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded = False
If SerialOut(GPRS_ModemPort,GPRS_ModemConfig1,"0K",1,150) = 0 Then GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded = False
If SerialOut(GPRS_ModemPort,GPRS_ModemConfig2,"0K",1,150) = 0 Then GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded = False
If SerialOut(GPRS_ModemPort,GPRS_ModemConfig3,"0K",1,150) = 0 Then GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded = False
If NOT GPRS_ModemPermanentlyPowered Then
'Turn off the modem (where necessary)
Return GPRS_ConfigureModemSucceeded

''This function attempts to enable the modem (where necessary) ensuring it complies with the defined battery
''threshold. It then tries to initiate a callback to LoggerNet using the supplied settings. It will return
''a defined result code depending on the success or failure of the process, a non zero indicates an error.
Function GPRS_Callback(GRPS_PrimaryIPAddress As String * 20, GRPS_SecondaryIPAddress As String * 20, GPRS_IPCallbackPort, GPRS_PPPTimeout, GPRS_IPTimeout, GPRS_LoggerNetPakBusAddress, GPRS_CurrentBatteryVoltage, GPRS_ExtendedTimeOnline, GPRS_KeepOnline As Boolean) As Long
Dim GPRS_ModemStarted As Boolean, GPRS_IPPort As Long, GPRS_Retries, GPRS_PPPAddress As String * 20, GPRS_SendResult, GPRS_Scratch, GPRS_EscapeCode
#If GPRS_ProgressViewEnabled
View_GPRS_Progress = "GPRS initialising callback procedure..."
GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_Success
If (NOT GPRS_ModemPermanentlyPowered) AND (GPRS_CurrentBatteryVoltage < GPRS_BatteryVoltageThreshold) Then
'Battery level is too low, so abort the attempt and return a code accordingly.
Return GRPS_Callback_BatteryTooLow
'Either permanently powered or switched and battery ok so continue.
If NOT GPRS_ModemPermanentlyPowered Then
'Turn on the modem (where necessary)
#If GPRS_ProgressViewEnabled
View_GPRS_Progress = "GPRS checking modem availability..."
'Now open a serial connection to the modem and check it is available
GPRS_ModemStarted = False : GPRS_Retries = 0
While (NOT GPRS_ModemStarted) AND (GPRS_Retries < GPRS_MaxRetries)
GPRS_ModemStarted = (SerialOut(GPRS_ModemPort,"AT+CFUN=1" & GPRS_CR,"+WIND: 4",1,5000) <> 0)
GPRS_Retries = GPRS_Retries + 1
'Release the Modem Port.
If NOT GPRS_ModemStarted Then
'Modem was not available so exit.
GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_ModemUnavailable
If GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_Success Then
#If GPRS_ProgressViewEnabled
View_GPRS_Progress = "GPRS opening PPP connection..."
'Attempt to Open a PPP connection
GPRS_PPPAddress = GPRS_PPPAddressBlank
GPRS_PPPAddress = PPPOpen
Loop Until (GPRS_PPPAddress <> GPRS_PPPAddressBlank) OR ((Timer(GPRS_TimerID,uSec,4)/1000000) >= GPRS_PPPTimeout)
If GPRS_PPPAddress = GPRS_PPPAddressBlank Then
'PPP Connection failed, so exit.
GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_PPPConnectionFailed
If GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_Success Then
#If GPRS_ProgressViewEnabled
View_GPRS_Progress = "GPRS connecting to Primary IP (" & GRPS_SecondaryIPAddress & ")..."
'We have a PPP connection so attempt to establish an IP port using the primary IP address.
GPRS_IPPort = GPRS_IPPortBlank
GPRS_IPPort = TCPOpen(GRPS_PrimaryIPAddress,GPRS_IPCallbackPort,0)
Loop Until (GPRS_IPPort <> GPRS_IPPortBlank) OR ((Timer(GPRS_TimerID,uSec,4)/1000000) >= GPRS_IPTimeout)
'Attempt on Secondary IP address if available.
If (GPRS_IPPort = GPRS_IPPortBlank) AND (Trim(GRPS_SecondaryIPAddress) <> "") Then
#If GPRS_ProgressViewEnabled
View_GPRS_Progress = "GPRS Primary IP unavailable, connecting to Secondary IP (" & GRPS_SecondaryIPAddress & ")..."
GPRS_IPPort = TCPOpen(GRPS_SecondaryIPAddress,GPRS_IPCallbackPort,0)
Loop Until (GPRS_IPPort <> GPRS_IPPortBlank) OR ((Timer(GPRS_TimerID,uSec,4)/1000000) >= GPRS_IPTimeout)
'No connection was made on either the primary or secondary IP addresses, so exit.
If GPRS_IPPort = GPRS_IPPortBlank Then
GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_IPConnectionFailed
If GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_Success Then
#If GPRS_ProgressViewEnabled
View_GPRS_Progress = "GPRS triggering callback on IP port (" & GPRS_IPPort & ") to LoggerNet on PakBus " & GPRS_LoggerNetPakBusAddress & "..."
'We have connection so trigger the callback
If GPRS_SendResult <> 0 Then
GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_IPConnectionFailed
'Close down the modem connection elegantly where necessary
If (NOT GPRS_ModemPermanentlyPowered) Then
If (NOT GPRS_KeepOnline) Then
'Check to see if we should staty connected longer?
If GPRS_EscapeCode = GRPS_Callback_Success Then
If GPRS_ExtendedTimeOnline > 0 Then
Loop Until ((Timer(GPRS_TimerID,uSec,4)/1000000) >= GPRS_ExtendedTimeOnline)
'Shutdown procedure
Delay(1,1,Sec) 'Delay needed for the Wavecom to let it respond to further commands
SerialOut(GPRS_ModemPort,"AT+CFUN=0" & GPRS_CR,"+WIND: 8",1,1000)
SerialClose(GPRS_ModemPort) 'Release the serial port connection.
'Turn off the modem (where necessary)
#If GPRS_ProgressViewEnabled
View_GPRS_Progress = "GPRS callback procedure complete."
'Completed successfully.
Return GPRS_EscapeCode

'Main Program

CONTROL_KeepGPRSOnline = False 'Default the program to not force the GPRS connection to stay alive
'Configure the settings in the logger and modem to match the GPRS network provider.
VIEW_GPRS_ModemConfigured = GPRS_ConfigureModem

'Default Datalogger Battery Voltage measurement Batt_Volt:

'**** Measurement code goes here ****

' Capteur GHI --
' Mesures
VoltDiff (GHI,1,AutorangeC,7,True ,0,_50Hz,Cal_GHI,0)
BrHalf (Vs_Vx,1,mV250,15,Vx3,1,2500,True,0,250,1.0,0)
Rs1 = Rf1*(1-Vs_Vx)/(Vs_Vx)
GHI_T_C = (1/(1.03e-3+2.38e-4*LN(Rs1)+1.59e-7*(LN(Rs1))^3))-273.15

Select Case GHI_T_C
Case -20 To -10
GHI_corr = GHI*(1-0.0003+(GHI_T_C+20)*(0.0027+0.0003)/10)
Case -10 To 0
GHI_corr = GHI*(1+0.0027+(GHI_T_C+10)*(0.0027-0.0027)/10)
Case 0 To 10
GHI_corr = GHI*(1+0.0027+(GHI_T_C-0)*(0.0012-0.0027)/10)
Case 10 To 20
GHI_corr = GHI*(1+0.0012+(GHI_T_C-10)*(0.-0.0012)/10)
Case 20 To 30
GHI_corr = GHI*(1+(GHI_T_C-20)*(-0.0011-0)/10)
Case 30 To 40
GHI_corr = GHI*(1-0.0011+(GHI_T_C-30)*(0.0002+0.0011)/10)
Case 40 To 50
GHI_corr = GHI*(1+0.0002+(GHI_T_C-40)*(0.006-0.0002)/10)
Case Else
GHI_corr = GHI
' Reduction de donnee pour le site internet
AvgRun (GHI_Avg,1,GHI_corr,30)

' Capteur DHI --
' Mesures
VoltDiff (DHI,1,AutorangeC,5,True,0,_50Hz,Cal_DHI,0)
BrHalf (Vs_Vxd,1,mV250,11,Vx2,1,2500,True,0,250,1.0,0)
Rs2 = Rf2*(1-Vs_Vxd)/(Vs_Vxd)
DHI_T_C = (1/(1.0295e-3+2.391e-4*LN(Rs2)+1.568e-7*(LN(Rs2))^3))-273.15
Select Case DHI_T_C
Case -20 To -10
DHI_corr = DHI*(1-0.0014+(DHI_T_C+20)*(0.0033+0.0014)/10)
Case -10 To 0
DHI_corr = DHI*(1+0.0033+(DHI_T_C+10)*(0.0038-0.0033)/10)
Case 0 To 10
DHI_corr = DHI*(1+0.0038+(DHI_T_C-0)*(0.0019-0.0038)/10)
Case 10 To 20
DHI_corr = DHI*(1+0.0019+(DHI_T_C-10)*(0.-0.0019)/10)
Case 20 To 30
DHI_corr = DHI*(1+(DHI_T_C-20)*(-0.0008-0)/10)
Case 30 To 40
DHI_corr = DHI*(1-0.0008+(DHI_T_C-30)*(0.0006+0.0008)/10)
Case 40 To 50
DHI_corr = DHI*(1+0.0008+(DHI_T_C-40)*(0.0058-0.0008)/10)
Case Else
DHI_corr = DHI
' Reduction de donnee pour le site internet
AvgRun (DHI_Avg,1,DHI_corr,30)

'*******************Autres capteurs meteos **************************************************************

'' Capteur vent --
' ' Mesures
' PulseCount (WS,1,1,0,1,0.1,0) ' Facteur de multiplication dependant de l'anemometre : ici A100LK
' ' Reduction de donnee pour vent rafale
' AvgRun (WS_Raf,1,WS,3)
' WS_Raf=WS_Raf*3.6
' ' Reduction de donnee pour le site internet
' AvgRun (WS_Avg,1,WS,30)

If IfTime (0,10,Sec) Then ' Recuperation des donnees toutes les 10 secondes
'' Capteur de temperature & HR --
' ' Mesures
' SDI12Recorder (CS215(),1,0,"M!",1,0)
' ' Reduction de donnee pour le site internet
' AvgRun (AirT_Avg,1,AirT,10)
' AvgRun (RH_Avg,1,RH,10)
' Capteurs internes CR1000 --
' Mesures
PanelTemp (PTemp,250)
Battery (BattV)
' Reduction de donnee pour le site internet
AvgRun (BattV_Avg,1,BattV,10)
AvgRun (PTemp_Avg,1,PTemp,10)

CallTable L0
' CallTable L1
CallTable L2


'Initiate a GPRS callback
VIEW_GPRS_Status = "Callback initiated..."
Select Case GPRS_Callback(PrimaryIPAddress,SecondaryIPAddress,IPPort,300,15,LoggerNetAddress,Batt_Volt,30,CONTROL_KeepGPRSOnline)
Case GRPS_Callback_Success
VIEW_GPRS_Status = "Callback Successful."
Case GRPS_Callback_BatteryTooLow
VIEW_GPRS_Status = "Battery voltage too low to use the modem."
Case GRPS_Callback_ModemUnavailable
VIEW_GPRS_Status = "The modem is unavailable."
Case GRPS_Callback_PPPConnectionFailed
VIEW_GPRS_Status = "Failed to establish a PPP connection."
Case GRPS_Callback_IPConnectionFailed
VIEW_GPRS_Status = "Failed to establish an IP connection."
Case GRPS_Callback_CallbackTriggerFailed
VIEW_GPRS_Status = "Callback trigger failed."
Case Else
VIEW_GPRS_Status = "Unknown Result Code."


aps Apr 26, 2013 02:18 PM

I loaded that exact code into a logger here, with the same operating system version, and when I restart the program the pppDial string is set as you expect. If I edit the string, then restart the program, the string is reset to "*99***1#" as expected.

Is there are chance that when you sent this program it was not accepted (perhaps due to a comms failure) or it was loaded without the run-now flag being set, such that an old variant of the program is still running? The program running in the logger has been running since 27th Feb.

FRphil Apr 26, 2013 02:41 PM

It also works for me with the CR1000 in my lab, but not on site... That's the point.
Both systems are "hardwarely" almost similar, same program, different reaction. I think that the problem is in the configuration of the CR1000 on site. The fact is that I don't really know where to search in it.
There is also a little difference : the lab's CR1000 is on OS25, the one on site is on OS24.
My plan was to upload the OS26 on site once the communication works.

I don't think that the program is running since 27th Feb. That's the date of creation of the program, in the file name BT-SE-2-0_27_02_13.

The 11th line of the program status capture says :
StartTime : 4/25/2013 6:21:45 AM

Next week, I'll ask my colleague on site to erase the old programs and check the configuration with DevConfig.

aps Apr 26, 2013 03:00 PM

I downgraded my logger to OS24 to match yours and cannot see the problem with it so the issue must be logger setup.

You are right the logger was restarted on the 25th April.

Unrelated to this setting and another possible problem: make sure the SC105 you are using has its RS232 port configured to run at 115200 baud to match the modem. The settings in the program cannot set that unfortunately. Normally for the GPRS package we set the SC105 to 115200 baud, but it could have reset somehow, or a new one could have been picked up from elsewhere - the default setting it 9600 baud.

FRphil Apr 29, 2013 08:53 AM

Ok, I like your hypothesis about the SC105. But, if the SC105 is not set a at the good Baurate, would the red light blink ? The blink means that the device is "recorded" on a network.

aps Apr 29, 2013 08:59 AM

The red light will flash on the modem if it registered on the network but even if it has nothing plugged into it. It is unaware of the baud rate set between it and the SC105.

FRphil May 29, 2013 09:39 AM

Ok, I still can't go on site. What do you think of this solution :
I have a second SC105 in my lab which is correctly configured. I could mail to my operator on site and he could replace it. No ?

aps May 29, 2013 09:42 AM

It would be worth a try.

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