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Adding offsets to an array

MTUeCe Apr 12, 2013 08:35 PM

Hello everyone!

I am new to programming the Campbell CR1000 and trying to help a colleague get his system up and running with a serial temperature string. I can't take credit for the majority of this code, only the part that doesn't work - I'm mainly a Labview guy myself.

This is a portion of the real program where a serial address string is sent to a RST_Thermarray that communicates to the cR1000 via RS485. The received string is parsed out to get the temperature (S0375_Temp). I want to add an offset to correct the temp reading, but only the first temperature node gets corrected and the remaining 7 read zero. Any ideas on what's going on? S0379_Temp(1) through (8) read correctly in Public as well as the table. Calibrated_temp(1) is the only one that reads correctly, while 2 thru 8 are written in the table as zeros.

Dim String_0379(8)
Dim S0379_AD(8)
Public S0379_Temp(8)
Public Calibrated_temp(8)
Dim offset(8)
Dim S0379_Res(8)
Public mystring As String * 40, parse(4) As String * 10
Units S0379_Temp() = Deg C

'Define Main Data Table
DataTable (Table1,True,1008)
DataInterval (0,10,Sec,10)
Minimum (1,BattV,FP2,False,False)
Maximum (1,PTemp_C, FP2, False, False)

'Define RST Temp String Table
DataTable (TString,True,1008)
Sample (8,S0379_Temp(),IEEE4) '1-8 RST Thermistor
Sample (8,Calibrated_temp(),IEEE4)

'Main Program
SerialOpen (Com4,115200,0,10000,1000)




* Last updated by: MTUeCe on 4/12/2013 @ 3:53 PM *

Sam Apr 13, 2013 06:46 PM

The syntax you are using is atypical for Basic languages.
In order to scale each element, you need to loop through the array.

Dim I as Long
For I = 1 to 8
Calibrated_temp(I) = S0379_Temp(I) + offset(I)
Next I

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