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Diferent Field data separator

TaCaPica Apr 1, 2013 03:54 PM


Is it possivel to use a different field separator in data coming from the logger? For example, in the .dat file the data field to be | and not ,?

If so, how can i do that?

Example for my question:

"2010-12-01 04:40:00",78447,1,2.1554,93.37836
"2010-12-01 04:50:00",78448,1,2.162395,93.4659
"2010-12-01 05:00:00",78449,1,2.203299,93.34827

"2010-12-01 04:40:00"|78447|1|2.1554|93.37836|
"2010-12-01 04:50:00"|78448|1|2.162395|93.4659|
"2010-12-01 05:00:00"|78449|1|2.203299|93.34827|


Dana Apr 2, 2013 07:00 PM

I know of one way to accomplish this. It may not be optimal, as it is an "extra step" and may also have affect on other applications running on your computer, but here it is:

LoggerNet has an application called Split that is used to post-process data. On Split's Output File tab, there is a File Format field. One of the options is "Custom". Custom will use the separator defined in your regional settings of Windows operating system. For instance, I am running Windows 7. If I go into Control Panel, Clock Language & Regional, Change Date Time Number Format, there is an Additional Settings button. This brings up a dialog that lets you change how numbers are formatted. One of the options is "list separator". Type in your pipe symbol for list separater, and run the files through Split using the Custom File Format option. This should produce exactly the format you are asking for (it did in my tests).

Split can be run from a Task in LoggerNet to automate the process -- refer to the help file.

Dana w.

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