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different values of waether data being posted in wunderground.com

graywacke Mar 17, 2013 01:25 PM

I tried using the program posted by Mr. GaryTRoberts for uploading weather data in wunderground (http://www.campbellsci.com/forum/messages.cfm?threadid=93BAB4F0-E0D2-5603-427B4E1477BE4CF1). I got successful http_get_response but there are some problem with the data being uploaded. The values for temperature and dew point is negative and other values are far different for pressure and wind speed

Is it a problem of units being used? Because the current units I'm using is in degree Celsius? Then I tried changing the unit to Fahrenheit but the when i check the status table, the temp values didn't change at all only the label from AirTC to AirTF and TdC to TdF.

The same problem also for the wind speed, values still the same only the label meter/second changed to kilometers/hour. Is it possible also to change the unit of pressure from kPA (SVPWKPa) to hPA of wunderground?

The only correct data being posted on wunderground is the relative humidity (%) and the wind direction which is the same in the status table (real time reading in pc200).

Please help me to figure this out. I'm using cr1000 logger.

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