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CR1000 Power Question

wx2day Mar 13, 2013 02:42 PM

On average, How much power does a CR1000 datalogger draw?

Thank you,


willB Mar 13, 2013 03:18 PM

Current Drain:
Sleep Mode: 0.7 mA typical; 0.9 mA max.

1 Hz Sample Rate(1 fast SE meas.): 1 mA

100 Hz Sample Rate(1 fast SE meas.): 16.2 mA

100 Hz Sample Rate(1 fast SE meas.w/RS-232 comms): 27.6 mA

Optional Keyboard Display On (no backlight): add 7 mA to current drain

Optional Keyboard Display On (backlight on): add
100 mA to current drain

wx2day Mar 13, 2013 06:27 PM

So worst case would be last scnario: Optional Keyboard Display On (backlight on): add 100 mA to current drain

Will say 9 vdc to 16 Vdc is range datalogger needs to operate.
Will assume 14 vdc.

14000mv * 100ma =1400000 microwatts or 1.4 Watts.

Overall very low wattage for this logger!


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