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Modbus and CR1000

PPeters Aug 15, 2024 08:33 PM


not that tech around modbus so looking for advice and path forward...

We have a control gates that we provide the water level information for and is currently linking to the PLC to provide river conditions.. this is operational

code provides 3 levels

' Sets up Modbus for data exchange
ModbusSlave (502,0,1,Display(),ModbusBoo1,0)

the next challenge and part look for help is we are reconfiguring one of the levels and looking to bring that back through the PLC

first question...

can the PLC write to the logger ? 

I could look at setting up a cal to the PLC to retrieve the data but this would require a mode on the PLC side so was hoping the write would work


JDavis Aug 15, 2024 10:32 PM

When you map values to registers with ModbusSlave (or ModbusServer), they are both readable and writable. So, you could add some addition values to your Display() array as a destination for a Modbus client(master) to write to.

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