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GetVariables returns code "-16"

cunningham Feb 26, 2013 05:30 PM

hi all,

i have two CR1000@OS25 connected via (PB-aware)RF416-radio-link.
Now i use the GetVariables function to pull some public variables.

Everything is working fine, but occasionally the function returns with code "-16".
Documentation says:
"Table name and/or field name not present in the source datalogger, or the field is read only in the destination datalogger".

From my point of view this should not be the reason because:
-Table "Public" exists and also the requested variable-array
-Variables are not flagged as readonly
-no security set on both loggers

Maybe i am missing something, but i dont see how the "-16"-code fits to the current setup.
I would expect no successful communication at all if error-code "-16" is displayed.
But nearly all GetVariables-calls return successfully.

Anybody can shed a light on this?

Secondary questions:
Timing-wise which "should" be the most efficient way to push/pull values between radio-link-connected loggers?
GetVariables or SendVariables?
Would there be any benefits if changing RF416-mode from PB-aware to PB-node?


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