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Problems with dinamic IP

julio Jun 26, 2009 11:07 AM

Hello, i have a dataloger CR1000 with communication by means of modem WAVECOM Fastrack for ip dynamics.
I have problems with the conections of the datalogger to server. what it is the configuration in the datalogger CR1000, and what it is in the server?. It is the same?...which it is the difference?.

* Last updated by: julio on 6/26/2009 @ 5:07 AM *

jtrauntvein Jun 26, 2009 09:43 PM

The LoggerNet server, by default, will cache the IP address associated with a domain name once it has looked it up. This was done in order to speed up connections for static IP addresses. If the logger address is dynamic and likely to change, then you will need to disable the "Cache IP Address" setting for the IP port device in LoggerNet's setup screen.

aps Jun 29, 2009 08:28 AM

Please refer to this document which should tell you most you need to know.


cafeilde Jun 6, 2012 03:53 AM

Hi jtrauntvein and aps,

I have encountered the same problem.
I have already disabled the "Cache IP Address" .
But the loggernet always cache the IP address associated with a domain name.
Everytime the logger address changed, I have retype the domain name again.

So, your method cann't work on my computer.

My loggernet version is 4.0.

Do you have any other advice?
Hope for your reply!

jtrauntvein Jun 13, 2012 10:28 PM

With LoggerNet 4.0, if you have the "Cache IP Address" setting disabled for the root level device, LoggerNet will make the appropriate calls to resolve the domain name each time that the port is opened. Further, an attempt to connect fails, the next connection attempt will ignore the cached IP address regardless of the setting value.

I should state here that the operating system as well as various intermediate name servers can and will cache the look-up results. "Dynamic DNS" is not really "dynamic". A device that supports dynamic DNS reports a very short time to live interval (on the order of minutes) for the name resolution records that it returns. If the rate at which the address is changing is even faster than this interval, LoggerNet will still get the wrong address even if it makes the call to resolve that address as I believe that it is doing.

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