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RTMC Table Display - data from multiple loggers

mjb Feb 12, 2013 01:26 AM

I'd like to create a table display in RTMC (Pro) that shows data from multiple loggers, but I cannot see a way to easily do this.

The best idea I've come up with is to create a Split PAR file that combines the data files from the loggers, creating a single output file with the required data, and showing that in RTMC.

Before I head down this track, which is fraught with danger.. is there a simpler way to do this?

Grant Feb 12, 2013 11:45 PM

I cannot see any way to do it, what about a second (and third etc) table next to each other?


mjb Feb 14, 2013 07:13 PM

Yeah, that's what I've had to do.. not the best solution, but will have do to.

tmecham Feb 15, 2013 02:22 PM

I think I figured out a way to make this work, but without backfill. It requires the use of a Virtual data source and Value Forwarders for every value you want in the table. So you just set the Virtual data source to contain all of the columns you want and on what interval you want a record generated. Then you setup value forwarders for each of these columns with the option to always write and write read value. Then set the option to hide them during run-time. Now add a table display and point it at the Virtual data source values table. You should see all of your data.

So, a couple of problems with this are that there is no backfill. You also don't have precise record timestamp synchronization across different loggers and tables. But it does give you a single table display to monitor.

AMK Feb 15, 2013 03:46 PM

To clarify, tmecham, you're suggesting, it its simplest form, using Virtual Tables to create custom table layouts to allow the user to present single tables composed of data from different loggers?

tmecham Feb 15, 2013 03:59 PM

It's the only way I have come up with to do this completely inside of RTMC Pro.

Merging data files or having dataloggers share variables are other ways this could be accomplished outside of RTMC.

mjb Feb 24, 2013 07:48 PM

That's a pretty good self-contained solution - but as you say, without backfill. Unfortunately this is quite important - but it's good to know how this works.

(I'd not actually played with Virtual Data Sources before - thanks for the pointer).

MPPMC Feb 25, 2013 02:57 PM

Couldn't you just make the collection from each logger append to a single file? If you don't want to combine your data files in that way, you could duplicate tables in the program so one table is collected and stored as an individual file and one table is collected and appended to a multi-station file.

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