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Losing communication when sending a program

bonilt Feb 7, 2013 02:20 PM


I'm having a constant problem whenever I'm sending a new program to a CR1000 datalogger. LoggerNet loses connection to the datalogger during the send process. And then it takes a really long time for LoggerNet to establish the connection back with the datalogger even though it is powered up and connected to the network. I'm currently using LoggerNet 4.0 and CR1000 OS 25 (it happened with previous OS as well).



MGR Feb 8, 2013 01:08 PM

On the connect screen once you connect yourself go to datalogger and file control and delete some programs previously uploaded. It should help.

aps Feb 8, 2013 02:10 PM

I am not sure the previous suggestion will make much difference unless there is no space left on the CPU drive.

The loss of communication would be expected on a TCP/IP connection if the loss happens at the point the logger recompiles the program. This is because the logger completely resets its TCP/IP stack during a program recompile. This takes some seconds to reinstate and longer if the logger needs to pick up its IP address by DHCP or it needs to make a PPP connection.

Also if the program is very complicated the logger can take some while to compile the program - this can run to minutes for very big programs.

aps Feb 8, 2013 02:10 PM

I am not sure the previous suggestion will make much difference unless there is no space left on the CPU drive.

The loss of communication would be expected on a TCP/IP connection if the loss happens at the point the logger recompiles the program. This is because the logger completely resets its TCP/IP stack during a program recompile. This takes some seconds to reinstate and longer if the logger needs to pick up its IP address by DHCP or it needs to make a PPP connection.

Also if the program is very complicated the logger can take some while to compile the program - this can run to minutes for very big programs.

bonilt Feb 8, 2013 02:16 PM


Thanks for your response. The problem is that the loss of communication cancels the process of sending/recompiling the program. So, I end up with no connection to the datalogger for several minutes (sometimes even 10 minutes, IP address is static) and when I do get it back, the program that I tried to send is not in memory because the process got canceled by the loss of communication.



Sam Feb 9, 2013 03:40 AM

Are you using OS version 24?
If so, you may be getting bit by a known bug related to Pakbus over moderate to high latency TCP/IP connections.

everhamme Feb 9, 2013 09:58 PM

I'm having the same issue. I lose connection when I attempt to send a new program or change the run attributes of a currently running program. I had the problem on OS 24 and so I upgraded to OS 25 and I still have the problem. If I reboot the modem (remotely via acemanager) I regain connection immediately after reboot. I am using a Sierrawireless GX440 conneted via serial to the CR1000 and i'm using PPP. Is there a setting on the modem that is causing this? I didn't have a template file to setup the GX440 and there's alot of new options in the serial, TCP,UDP sections in AceManager...

Any help is appreciated

aps Feb 11, 2013 09:51 AM

This may be two different issues. Loosing connection part way through the program transfer points to a break down in communications which could be a function of the quality of the comms link or it could be due to some other traffic on the network the logger cannot deal with. It may be worth reducing the maximum packet size in Loggernet to see if this helps get the data through. When the logger is in the mode of receiving files it does have quite long timeouts and Loggernet will usually lock-out other uses of the logger too.

As I mentioned before once the program is received and the logger switches to compile the program, that process does reset the PPP/ TCP/IP connection so you will lose the connection temporarily. It is possible some PPP modems or even the networks, may limit the delays before the connection can be remade.

bonilt Feb 11, 2013 02:24 PM


I have OS 25.


I understand that the logger loses the connection temporarily when compiling the program as that is a behavior I've always seen before. When that happens usually the datalogger will continue the process of compiling the program, getting the data table definitions and LoggerNet would keep the connection and you could see the window with the status bar when you send the program still processing.

However, this is not what is happening to me. The whole process of sending/compiling the program is being cancelled by this loss of communication. I try to send the program, the window with the status bar comes up, LoggerNet sends the program, and when it says that the datalogger is compiling the program an error comes up saying that there is no connection to that datalogger and it cancels the process of sending/compiling the program. I completely lose connection to that datalogger, sometimes for up to 10 minutes, and when I finally get the connection back, the program in memory is not the latest one I tried to send. Therefore, it never compiled it or saved it to memory since this error came up before it finished compiling, getting table definitions, etc.

I have a standalone network switch connected to only 16 dataloggers and to the computer running LoggerNet. My program is 41 KB.

everhamme Feb 11, 2013 04:04 PM

I'm getting the same symptom as bonilt... new program won't compile and loggernet throws a "the attempt to change the file attributes has failed. The communivation link with the station failed". The file uploads 100%. If i reboot the modem I get back communication right away, but the program never compiled.

It only happens when i'm using the Sierrawireless GGX440 modem... if i switch to the RavenXTV it works fine (program compiles with no errors and I maintain communication). I'll have to contact Campbell directly

Dana Feb 11, 2013 09:03 PM

Hello bonilt,

I would like to get logs on this so I can take a look. Please close LN, delete all logs in the C:\campbellsci\LoggerNet\logs directory, and then open LN and reproduce the problem. There may be clues in the log to help define what the problem is.

We have worked together in the past so you should have my email.

Dana W.

bonilt Feb 11, 2013 09:05 PM

Thanks Dana. I'm currently running a test that will last until Wednesday afternoon. I will try to do this after that is done and I'll send you the logs.



everhamme Feb 13, 2013 03:47 PM

I've isolated my issue to the GX440 modem, which isn't handling the datalogger resetting/closing the PPP connection when it recompiles the program. To clarify my CR1000 was recompiling the program fine (i was sending it a bad program before, but wasn't getting the recompile error messages due to the loss of PPP connection). The modem goes into Normal (AT Command) mode when the PPP connection is closed and doesn't open the PPP connection. I can get the modem to go back into PPP mode by doing a soft reboot (through AceManager web).

Maybe Campbell can give the folks at SierraWireless a call and talk through this. I've called them before and they can't offer me much help because I know nothing about the communications protocols.

Brian Feb 13, 2013 06:11 PM


We do not have any experience with the GX440 or GX400 modems other than talking with people that are trying them out. There has been someone recently having problems with the GX400 and PPP which has not been resolved. This person decided to use a RavenX instead of spending the time on the problem.

With the description of the problem and the hardware, you should be able to get some help from Sierra Wireless. Tell them what you described in this forum.


bonilt Feb 13, 2013 06:19 PM


I believe your message was meant for everhamme.

I'll provide my logs to Dana once I'm done with my testing.


Magoospa Sep 5, 2013 12:55 AM

Does anyone have a template for the GX400 or 440 - preferably for a cr200 but at this point I am not picky

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