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CWS900 and Vector/Thies Anemometers

PB01 Feb 7, 2013 12:19 PM

I was wondering what sensors are compatible with the CWS900 wireless interface, our windspeed measurements are primarily made using class 1 anemometers that meet the requirements of the IEC 61400-12-1 standard which usually means the vector A100 series or the Thies first class advanced anemometer, are these compatable with the CWS900?

Grant Feb 11, 2013 05:42 AM

There is no reason why the CWS900 would not meet your requirements, only limitation I can see would be the battery power.

The 2 x AA batteries are quoted as lasting one year if sensor samples are taken every ten minutes, cut that down to once per second and you will need the solar charging option

aps Feb 11, 2013 10:42 AM

In the case of the CWS900 you need to distinquish between the polling interval and its internal measurement rate. The interface does will one second wind measurements and calculates wind vector averages for a limited set of wind sensors (mostly R M young, the 034B Met One but also the NRG sensors). You can poll the interface for those statistics calculated since the last poll interval.

It also has a generic pulse count measurement where is measures the average and max pulse rate (in a 3 sec interval) over the poll interval. This could be used with many pulse output anemometers.

You may get a reasonable battery life if you let the interface do its own internal calculates and restrict the polling interval to 10-15 minutes. What you cannot do is hope to increase the polling interval much faster as not only will it kill the batteries, but this interface is designed as part of a low power system, which is not designed for speed. Polling anything faster than once per minute is not to be recommended.

One other thing to bear in mind is the interface cannot provide 12V needed to power many of the top end anemometers. The anemometers it supports are all self powered or need no significant power from the interface.

So, if you can live with the limitations, you may find some use for this interface in wind performance monitoring, where you need Class 1 sensors, if you either power the sensors you mention from an external supply or stick to the NRG sensors - they now advertise a Class 1 anemometer (no recommendation from me either way).

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