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Anemometre A100L2 and cr3000

fdec Feb 7, 2013 08:23 AM

Dear all
does it's possible to install more than 4 anemometers A100L2, the shortcut program say not but i think it's possible.
do you try it and have you a solution?

dberdes Feb 7, 2013 04:13 PM

What kind of an output does the A100L2 have? If it is a pulse output, you can use the PeriodAverage instruction on a SE analog input. I occasionally use this instruction for a Druck RPT410F (Campbell Scientific CS115) barometer with a pulse output.

aps Feb 8, 2013 06:09 PM

The A100L2 has standard 5V pulses which can be read on the control ports of a CR3000, suing the standard pulse count instruction (use the Generic, Pulse count option in Shortcut). That sensor also has analogue outputs that can be read via analogue channels as a voltage although Vector warn you the analogue output is not as accurate as the pulse outputs.

I would avoid the period average insturction as it takes longer and you face a dilemma of what to do at very low windspeeds or when the sensor stalls.

Grant Feb 11, 2013 05:55 AM

When using the control ports, make sure you utilise the "pull up resistor" between either the 5 Volt or 12 Volt and the control port(s) you are using

aps Feb 11, 2013 08:47 AM

I believe the A100L2 generates nice 5V pulses so, unlike some anemometers which have open collector outputs, so no pull up resistor should be needed.

* Last updated by: aps on 2/11/2013 @ 2:34 AM *

dberdes Feb 11, 2013 06:27 PM

Good point aps! I have only used the PeriodAverage instruction with the CS115 (Druck RPT410F) which has a constant 600 to 1100 Hz output depending on barometric pressure.

fdec Feb 12, 2013 09:40 AM

dear all
thank you for all your answer
i'm happy to see it's possible to put more than 4 A100L2.
i will do a test and i'll be back to you

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