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Filter Erroneous Values from Time Series and Data Reports in RTMC Pro

jeremy Feb 6, 2013 05:13 PM

My data comes from a solar-powered, 10 meter weather station. In it I have a CR1000 datalogger with current firmware, access via a Raven modem through Loggernet, and am designing plots in RTMC Pro.
There are times during the winter were we do not receive sufficient insolation to charge our batteries and power all of our sensors. Given this, while some are powered down, other critical sensors such as temperature, still record samples. What results in the data array are the need for placeholder values for the powered down sensors. If the entire station is down, no values are recorded - thus no placeholder values, and no questionable data issues.

Over the past couple months, I have been receiving BP values (in millibars) of 499.9 during times where our station is in a low-power state. As you may know, this value of BP is not valid and is problematic when trying to plot a time-series of pressure.

1) Is there a way to filter out these 499.9 values when plotting a series? (Maybe replacing them with NANs?)

2) Is there a way to filter these 499.9 values out from the data report?

Thank you in advance for your help!

tmecham Feb 6, 2013 06:27 PM

For #1, just use an expression with an IIF and NOPLOT.

Alias(x,"Server:Station.Table.Field"); IIF(x < 500, NOPLOT, x)

I'm not sure what data reports you are referring to in #2.

jeremy Feb 6, 2013 06:55 PM

Thanks for the reply.

Your solution for #1 worked like a charm!

Further clarification of #2:

The data report I am referring to is the textual data summary element that you can place on a sheet for review and/or export. You can define what data fields you want included. I read on a few forum threads that the syntax for this is a bit different than pure RTMC commands.

* Last updated by: jeremy on 2/6/2013 @ 12:01 PM *

jeremy Feb 6, 2013 07:32 PM

I have found the solution for #2.

In 'table display properties' > 'manage columns' > 'calculation' ... I entered the following:

IIF(BP_mbar <= 500, NAN, BP_mbar)

The syntax is different here in that you do not have to use the full path to the data, but you also cannot use Alias'.

Thank you again!

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