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EC150 irga diagnostics

alba Feb 6, 2013 03:58 PM

Dear all,

I'm using data gathered with an EC150 system. I'm getting -7999 Campbell-processed flux data for several periods and I'm trying to investigate what's going on at these stages.

I've seen in the manual a table about "Bits in the Gas Diagnostic Flag". I understood that if I was ever obtaining any of the values (in decimal) shown in the table, I'd be able to know what the problem was with the analyser.

My problem is that I get numbers different from those in the table, e.g. 786433, 196609, 790529, and that when I get these numbers I observe a very low signal strength.

Is there any reason why the number in the diag_irga column doesn't correspond to those in the table of the manual?

Maybe my doubt is very simple (or my reasoning is wrong), but I'd would really appreciate any comment.

Thanks is advance for your help.

DAM Feb 8, 2013 11:57 PM

When multiple flags are set simultaneously, the result is the sum of numbers in the table.
The value 786433 is 524288 + 262144 + 1. This means that CO2 signal strength, H2O signal strength and bad data flags are all on.
The value 196609 is 131072 + 65536 + 1, meaning the CO2 and H2O variation flags are set.
Finally, 790529 is 524288 + 262144 + 4096 + 1, meaning CO2 and H2O signal strength and CO2I flags are set.

There may be something intermittently blocking the signal path.

* Last updated by: DAM on 2/8/2013 @ 5:30 PM *

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