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RTMC Time Gap Alarm

AMK Feb 6, 2013 04:21 AM

Hello Forum,
Does anyone know if there is a way to trigger an email alert that the last time stamp in the file being plotted is older than some timestamp? For example, if my telemetry hasn't updated the database in 24hrs, I'd like to get an email indicating this. We use all CR23X loggers and older and use LoggerNet, LNDB, and RTMCPro. Thanks for the advice.


tmecham Feb 6, 2013 02:49 PM

There is a "No Data Alarm" in RTMC Pro that will do this.

AMK Feb 6, 2013 05:56 PM

Oh nice!
What are the proper settings?

Select the table

Set the condition (6hrs)

What is Options Normal | Latched

Which image On Image | Off Image is displayed when alarm
criteria are met (ie. when the alarm should go off)?

Can we leave all Run-Time events disabled?


* Last updated by: AMK on 2/6/2013 @ 10:58 AM *

tmecham Feb 6, 2013 06:14 PM

So select the table.

Set the condition (6hrs) and use Normal. Latched just means the alarm will stay on until you manually acknowledge it.

When the alarm condition is triggered (no data for 6 hours), the alarm is on. Otherwise it is off.

Then, you can do what you want with run-time events. Didn't you say you wanted email events when you weren't getting data?

AMK Feb 7, 2013 02:09 AM

Okay, this isn't intuitive.

I add the Alarm, select the LNDB table where the data are stored, 6hrs for no data, Normal, Set the On Image to AlarmsToggles\ComAlarmOn.gif and the off image to AlarmsToggles\ComAlarmOff.gif and leave the rest as default. For this, I just expect a red com failure icon to be displayed. The last data collection to the LNDB table is 12/11/2012, so this should be triggerig the red com failure icon but it's not. It's the green 'com enabled' icon...

Is there a glitch with using LNDB - or maybe there is a collection delay and I should be patient.

* Last updated by: AMK on 2/6/2013 @ 7:10 PM *

tmecham Feb 7, 2013 02:23 PM

When RTMC launches, it is getting the most recent record from the database. So it will be 6 hrs before the alarm would actually trigger. It doesn't look at the timestamp of the data, it is just sets a timer and waits for data. If data comes in, the timer resets and it waits again. If the timer triggers without getting any data, then you will see the alarm displayed and associated events will fire.

AMK Feb 8, 2013 05:51 AM

Hmm, okay. For some reason, all the alarms are triggered, but the data are up to date.


tmecham Feb 8, 2013 02:28 PM

That is strange. What version of RTMC are you running? Can you send me your project file? tmecham at campbellsci dot com.

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