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WebServer API

CJ Feb 6, 2013 04:07 AM


Under RTMC WebServer individual pages could be accessed by typing the direct address into the URL bar of the internet browser to navigate to them.

However using the new CSI WebServer the pages are in HTML5 and don't have unique URL's. Is it possible to access pages directly by typing in an API command to navigate to a page?


The reason I would like to do this, is for our larger clients we want to ensure "what they see" is always as desired. In the past we would automatically take screen shots of each page and FTP these images into our companies network so we can view everything is working ok. With the new CSI WebServer I can't see how we can do this.


tmecham Feb 6, 2013 02:47 PM

You can specify a tab_id parameter. It is a 0 based index into the list of tabs.


CJ Feb 7, 2013 01:27 AM

Thanks tmecham,

That's exactly what I was after.

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