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how to obtain 30 min files: CardConvert and Split

alba Feb 5, 2013 02:24 PM

Dear all,

I'm trying to obtain 30 min-interval files from data collected using a CR3000 datalogger and retrieved periodically but not uniformly from a Compact Flash Card.

I've used CardConvert to split and convert binary files to ascii files based on a 30 min interval. However, I have files which start and end at timestamps not exactly starting/ending the 30 min interval, e.g.:

first value timestamp of the file: 2012-07-26 02:20:47.5
last value timestamp of the file: 2012-09-13 16:58:07.8

So, the files obtained with CardConvert are, e.g.:

"TOA5_6605.ts_data_2012_09_13_1630.dat" (incomplete half-hour)

How should I proceed to obtain a complete/filled "TOA5_6605.ts_data_2012_09_13_1630.dat" file? my next file starts at: 2012-09-13 16:58:52.0

Moreover, I have a question about the splitting time criterium used, because:

First time value of the complete 30 min files: hh:00:00.1
Last time value of the complete 30 min files: hh:30:00.0

Would it be it possible to obtain it differently? -For example, as shown here:

First time value of the complete 30 min files: hh:00:00.0
Last time value of the complete 30 min files: hh:29:59.9

Using Split I get this other type of splitting... and I don't know how to solve these different splitting criteria.

Any suggestion?

Thank you very much for your help.

alba Feb 6, 2013 03:48 PM

I've found the way to append data to incomplete files using CardConvert options.

I'm still wondering if it would be possible to change reference time break.

Thanks for your help in advance.

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