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Updating dat files with missing data

carlin550 Feb 1, 2013 11:25 PM

We are using loggernet 3.4.1 on a "download PC" to auto download several field stations with CR1000's. When we loose coms at a station we will download the data to a laptop manually. We then append the new data to the existing dat files on the "download PC". We also run LNDB, so we run the import routine to get the data into the SQL database as updating the dat files manually does not trigger LNDB to automatically update. We also run RTMC but after manually appending the dat files this also does not automatically update. Is there a way to get RTMC to update with the new manually appended data and also LNDB?

Grant Feb 3, 2013 11:34 PM

Ran into this program a couple of years back. From memory, RTMC uses the data from the binary cache, not from the data files (*.dat).

The binary cache can be found under C:/CampbellSci/LoggerNet/sys/bin/data folders.

I think RTMC Pro can handles dragging data from the *.dat files.



Dana Feb 13, 2013 08:34 PM

As Grant points out, only RTMC Pro can use data files. It can also use LNDB as a data source. "Regular" RTMC uses only the data cache.

Dana W.

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