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data lost

fdec Jan 30, 2013 01:56 PM

dear all
recently vandals attacked my measuring station and stole solar panel, they also damaged the measuring box without steal it but they tore the antenna gprs
our intervention was slow and the battery is dead.
However, the problem is that when we have changing the battery, the CR3000 recompiled and no data was present in the buffer.
is it possible to recover lost data? if not, it is possible to do something for keep the data in a future battery change?.

save the data in a special table or force the station to not compil the program if data are not recover
thank you

fdec Jan 31, 2013 08:03 AM

dear all,

I did some research on the forum and I need some clarifications.
if I understand correctly, I should install a memory module on my CR3000, a SC115 or a CFM100
Is this possible while preserving the communication via GPRS?
is it possible to collect data via GPRS while a copy in the memory card?
day or Central recompile is that the data will remain registered in the SC115 and the new data will be recorded as a result of others?
does it's easy to program?
there is there any other solutions?

while waiting to read you

Grant Feb 3, 2013 11:46 PM


Powering up the system should not wipe the data as you have suggested.

The CR3000 holds the program on separate memory to the data, the data being held on the USR memory. Unless you resize the partition on program startup, you should NOT force a reintialisation of the memory which would cause the problem you are seeing.

If you do install a memory card module and write the data to that as a backup, you will not have the same problem and your data will be safe.



fdec Feb 4, 2013 08:37 AM

dear grant
thank you for your answer
i'm happy with it but i cannot understand why i lost my data?

i have not change the usr memory (in fact i have no idea how we can change it)

So, if the data are save in the usr memory like you said, i must collect it by loggernet. or when i connect with my computer, no data have been collecting.

when i go to my stations break down, and i change the battery, on the cr3000 screen i can see "the datalogger compilling program" and when i want to collect the data. no new data are collected

do you think it's normal?


jtrauntvein Feb 5, 2013 01:11 AM

When you send a program to the data logger from within the CRBasic editor's "Save and Send" function, a dialogue is presented that allow you to specify the run options for the program. One option specifies whether the program should be run now. The second, and quite often neglected, option allows you to specify whether the program should run on power up. In older versions of the editor, this option was disabled by default. You likely encountered the adverse affect of this unfortunate default.

There is a feature in the data logger terminal mode that can be used to refill data tables with the data that is already in memory. This command is described in section 19 (table 94) of the CR1000 manual. This command can be issued by typing "U" in the terminal emulator once you have the terminal prompt.

* Last updated by: jtrauntvein on 2/4/2013 @ 6:20 PM *

fdec Feb 5, 2013 07:00 AM

Dear all
thank you for all your answer
i will test this ans be back to us with the results.

how do you think about the sc115? it's a very good solution to recover all the data?

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