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everhamme Jan 28, 2013 10:59 PM

I have a Sierrawireless GX440 directly connected to a CC5MPX (ethernet) and a CR1000 ( RS232 serial) and i'm having difficulty using the FTP capabilities of the CC5MPX. The GX440 has a static IP and i'm able to connect to it fine and I can email photos just fine automatically, but I can't get the CC5MPX to upload an image or video via ftp. I am not sure if this is a limitation/setting of the CC5MPX or the GX440 modem. Its strange because I can upload a file off of the CR1000 (connected through the serial port of the GX440) via the FTPClient function just fine to the same ftp server nad it works fine.

If did a little troubleshooting with ftp logging and it appears that the CC5MPX isn't working properly with the GX440 to communicate its external IP address. It keeps sending its internal IP address to the ftp server. A file gets created and named, but it contains no data. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Why would FTP work from the CR1000, but not from the CC5MPX? I can connect a laptop directly to the GX440 and transfer files to the same FTP server just fine, which makes me think its a limitation of the FTP client on the CC5MPX because i'm going through all the same NAT/firewalls.

everhamme Jan 28, 2013 11:14 PM

It looks like this problem could be corrected by the ftp client on the CC5MPX using the PASV command rather than the PORT command? Or to have the GX440 use better NAT filtering/packet inspection software to identify ftp traffic and route it... ?


Either way sounds like i'm SOL for using the ftp capabilities of the CC5MPX over a remote network.

JNH Jan 30, 2013 04:32 PM

It is possible to configure the camera for passive FTP. To enable passive FTP transfers load up the hidden configuration webpage using:

The link assumes the defualt camera IP is used, so adjust as required for your camera.

On that page you are looking for "FTP transfer mode active". Set the value to 1 for passive mode FTP and click on the commit changes button.

Note that this setting does not appear on the regular webpage or in DevConfig. When you save the settings to an XML file, this setting won’t be saved, which means the passive setting is not transferable between cameras.

Please note that is recommended that the other advanced settings on this page not be altered, as they have the potential to adversely affect the operation of your camera.

everhamme Feb 1, 2013 10:01 PM

Forcing passive FTP has largely solved my problem. images transfer fine, but video files still have the same issue (a file is created but it is "empty").

everhamme Feb 2, 2013 02:23 PM

It looks like the cc5mpx is still initiating an active FTP session for ftp video transfers. Does the hidden.htm passive ftp option only apply to jpeg file transfers?

PaulB Feb 5, 2013 04:24 PM

Are you using the latest version of firmware? It is available for download from http://www.campbellsci.ca/download?dl=dlf&au=0&dlid=250

If you are using version 1.15 of the firmware and the passive FTP is still not working, please contact me directory and I can offer you more assistance.

Paul Bartosek
(780) 454-2505

everhamme Feb 5, 2013 04:29 PM

That version of the firmware is not available on the US website for Campbell yet... thanks for the link though. i'll let you know if it works.

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