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HTTP remote station data access

carlin550 Jan 17, 2013 10:37 AM

We have a base station with a CR1000, IP Modem and RF modem (station ID 1) and a number of remote stations each with a CR1000 and RF modem, station ID's 2 to 5.
Can the HTTP API interface be used to access the remote stations?
Wondering if when using a dataQuery to poll a datalogger for data if there is a way to change the URI to specify the remote station source_name:station_name.table_name.field_name
or is there another part to the dataQuery that could be used or modified to do this?
Any suggestions appreciated!

jtrauntvein Jan 18, 2013 11:55 PM

The HTTP commands are only available when a station can be reached from the client via IP. This means that you probably won;y be able to access the RF stations directly. What may be possible is to program the station connected to the modem to poll the RF connected stations for data using the GetRecord() or GetVariables() instructions.


Jon Trauntvein

carlin550 Jan 19, 2013 12:27 AM

Thanks Jon
I have been looking at the HTTP API interface as the organisation that is trying to download the loggers has a firewall with very few ports open. Is it feasible to set the Pakbus/TCP Service port to port 80 or 21?

carlin550 Jan 19, 2013 01:01 AM

The other port open is 443 could the Pakbus/TCP Service port be set to this? Assume then this would leave port 80 on the CR1000 logger to serve html.
Regards Geoff

Sam Jan 20, 2013 07:38 PM

You can set the service ports.
For example, you could set http to 8080 and Pakbus/Tcp to 80.
This is most easily done using the settings editor in Device Configuration Utility.

And remember, two services can not share the same port. For example you can not have Pakbus and Http both listening on port 80.

* Last updated by: Sam on 1/20/2013 @ 12:43 PM *

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