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Voltage calibration failure

Otemohu Jan 4, 2013 02:38 PM


Happy new year!
Back to my office after holiday, I'm connecting to the remote site with several dataloggers and I state that the CR3000 displays:
Warning: Voltage calibration failure! Possible input to analog channel beyond +/- 8V.
The CR3000 ran properly before and anything was changed. Only the port Com 1 (C1 and C2)is used and any analog channel is used. I upgraded the OS from 24 to 25 hoping that the problem disappears but it persists.

Here the status_Table summary (before OS upgrade):
Status Summary
1/4/2013 8:51:01 AM

RecNum: 3
TimeStamp: 1/4/2013 7:44:18 AM
OSVersion: CR3000.Std.24
OSDate: 111219
OSSignature: 56518
SerialNumber: 5448
RevBoard: 012.008
StationName: 5448
PakBusAddress: 1
ProgName: CPU:Eddy-1.2.CR3
StartTime: 1/3/2013 12:50:41 PM
RunSignature: 63800
ProgSignature: 25277
Battery: NAN
PanelTemp: 0
WatchdogErrors: 0
LithiumBattery: 3.503596
Low12VCount: 0
Low5VCount: 0
CompileResults: Warning: Voltage calibration failure! Possible input to analog channel beyond +/- 8V.
: CPU:Eddy-1.2.CR3 -- Compiled in PipelineMode.
StartUpCode: 0
ProgErrors: 0
VarOutOfBound: 0
SkippedScan: 118
SkippedSystemScan: 0
ErrorCalib: 10365
MemorySize: 4194304
MemoryFree: 21560
CPUDriveFree: 475136
USRDriveFree: 0
CommsMemFree(1): 14251504
CommsMemFree(2): 303
CommsMemFree(3): 3260
FullMemReset: 0
DataTableName(1): Eddydata
SkippedRecord: 40
DataRecordSize(1,1): 91088
DataRecordSize(1,2): 0
SecsPerRecord: 0.05
DataFillDays(1,1): 0.05271296
DataFillDays(1,2): 0
CardBytesFree: 2.090365E9
MeasureOps: 44
MeasureTime: 100
ProcessTime: 9824
MaxProcTime: 115564
BuffDepth: 0
MaxBuffDepth: 3
LastSystemScan: 1/4/2013 7:44:04 AM
SystemProcTime: 2254
MaxSystemProcTime: 19088
PortStatus(1): True
PortStatus(2): True
PortStatus(3): False
PortStatus(4): False
PortStatus(5): False
PortStatus(6): False
PortStatus(7): False
PortStatus(8): False
PortConfig(1): TX
PortConfig(2): RX
PortConfig(3): Input
PortConfig(4): Input
PortConfig(5): Input
PortConfig(6): Input
PortConfig(7): Input
PortConfig(8): Input
SW12Volts(1): False
SW12Volts(2): False
Security(1): 0
Security(2): 0
Security(3): 0
RS232Power: False
RS232Handshaking: 0
RS232Timeout: 0
CommActiveRS232: False
CommActiveME: False
CommActiveCOM310: False
CommActiveSDC7: False
CommActiveSDC8: False
CommActiveCOM320: False
CommActiveSDC10: False
CommActiveSDC11: False
CommActiveCOM1: True
CommActiveCOM2: False
CommActiveCOM3: False
CommActiveCOM4: False
CommConfigRS232: 4
CommConfigME: 4
CommConfigCOM310: 4
CommConfigSDC7: 4
CommConfigSDC8: 4
CommConfigCOM320: 0
CommConfigSDC10: 4
CommConfigSDC11: 4
CommConfigCOM1: 0
CommConfigCOM2: 0
CommConfigCOM3: 0
CommConfigCOM4: 0
BaudrateRS232: -115200
BaudrateME: -115200
BaudrateSDC: 115200
BaudrateCOM1: 115200
BaudrateCOM2: 0
BaudrateCOM3: 0
BaudrateCOM4: 0
IsRouter: False
PakBusNodes: 50
CentralRouters(1): 0
CentralRouters(2): 0
CentralRouters(3): 0
CentralRouters(4): 0
CentralRouters(5): 0
CentralRouters(6): 0
CentralRouters(7): 0
CentralRouters(8): 0
BeaconRS232: 0
BeaconME: 0
BeaconSDC7: 0
BeaconSDC8: 0
BeaconSDC10: 0
BeaconSDC11: 0
BeaconCOM1: 0
BeaconCOM2: 0
BeaconCOM3: 0
BeaconCOM4: 0
VerifyRS232: 0
VerifyME: 0
VerifySDC7: 0
VerifySDC8: 0
VerifySDC10: 0
VerifySDC11: 0
VerifyCOM1: 0
VerifyCOM2: 0
VerifyCOM3: 0
VerifyCOM4: 0
MaxPacketSize: 1000
USRDriveSize: 0
IPInfo: eth MAC:
: eth IP:
: eth mask:
: eth gw:
: dns:
: dns:
TCPPort: 6785
pppInterface: 0
pppDialResponse: CONNECT
IPTrace: 0
CalVolts(1): 8000
CalVolts(2): 1600.145
CalVolts(3): 320.0059
CalVolts(4): 79.98415
CalVolts(5): 31.99492
CalVolts(6): 8000
CalVolts(7): 1600.145
CalVolts(8): 320.0059
CalVolts(9): 79.98415
CalVolts(10): 31.99492
CalVolts(11): 8000
CalVolts(12): 1600.145
CalVolts(13): 320.0059
CalVolts(14): 79.98415
CalVolts(15): 31.99492
CalGain(1): NAN
CalGain(2): NAN
CalGain(3): NAN
CalGain(4): NAN
CalGain(5): NAN
CalGain(6): 0
CalGain(7): 0
CalGain(8): 0
CalGain(9): 0
CalGain(10): 0
CalGain(11): 0
CalGain(12): 0
CalGain(13): 0
CalGain(14): 0
CalGain(15): 0
CalSeOffset(1): 0
CalSeOffset(2): 0
CalSeOffset(3): 0
CalSeOffset(4): 0
CalSeOffset(5): 0
CalSeOffset(6): 0
CalSeOffset(7): 0
CalSeOffset(8): 0
CalSeOffset(9): 0
CalSeOffset(10): 0
CalSeOffset(11): 0
CalSeOffset(12): 0
CalSeOffset(13): 0
CalSeOffset(14): 0
CalSeOffset(15): 0
CalDiffOffset(1): 0
CalDiffOffset(2): 0
CalDiffOffset(3): 0
CalDiffOffset(4): 0
CalDiffOffset(5): 0
CalDiffOffset(6): 0
CalDiffOffset(7): 0
CalDiffOffset(8): 0
CalDiffOffset(9): 0
CalDiffOffset(10): 0
CalDiffOffset(11): 0
CalDiffOffset(12): 0
CalDiffOffset(13): 0
CalDiffOffset(14): 0
CalDiffOffset(15): 0
IxResistor: 999.9989
CAOOffset(1): 0
CAOOffset(2): 0

Dana Jan 5, 2013 12:15 AM

This message is usually displayed when >~8 V is applied to one of the analog channels.

If nothing is wired into any of the analog channels, could it possibly be a grounding issue (stray voltage running in on the datalogger)?

If you have clean power, properly grounded, and nothing on the input channels, I would contact your local support channel to discuss the issue further.

Dana W.

denizcekic Aug 21, 2013 03:18 PM

There can be many reasons for this issue, firstly the obvious one that the analogue channel went above 8V. The second one is as @Dana said a grounding issue. Sometimes when the ground is disconnected and the input positive terminal still connected, the voltage that ADC reads is random, above 100V at times, which naturally is above its limit so it gives an error. The third can be a floating terminal, that is, the ADC input terminal is left in floating conditions which then reads garbage values. That can be an issue in the ADC channel in itself, for example a limiting diode blowing up but that is rare.

pcb assembly service

* Last updated by: denizcekic on 8/30/2013 @ 2:44 PM *

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