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everhamme Dec 28, 2012 05:45 PM

I am assuming that the only way to utilize the Email and FTP features of the CC5MPX is to have it connected via ethernet?
I would like to connect the CC5MPX to a CR1000 (aka via PakBus) and trasmit images on a routine basis.

I am assuming I need to set up the CC5MPX to transfer images via PakBus to the CR1000's external compact flash card module and then write a CR1000 program that will use the FTPsend or EmailSend functions to send the images?

Sam Jan 21, 2013 02:02 AM

for any device to use an internet protocol it needs an internet type connection.

so you could have the cc5mpx send the images directly over its Ethernet connection, or the images could first be transferred to the logger and subsequently transferred via pakbus file transfer, email, http, or ftp.

Monte Sep 23, 2014 06:32 PM

Do I understand this correctly: A picture received on the CR1000 from the CC5MPX can be sent out by FTP using the FTPClient function?

smile Oct 2, 2014 04:50 PM


I have to use a generic ip-cam to store images via ftp in the CF memory installed through NL115 on a CR1000. I found little information in the manual (for me, that have little experience) how create an FTP folder in the CR1000 and which is address to use.
Can anyone give me some more information?
I easily created a drive for the data in the CF memory but I do not understand how to create a folder only for images and which address would enter in IP-CAM setup.
The CR1000 and the IP-CAM are connected to an ethernet router.

Many thanks


Sam Nov 10, 2014 02:13 AM

Correct. If the CR1000 has an Internet connection it can be a FTP, HTTP, or Email client for sending files to a server or it can be a FTP or HTTP server for another client to come and get the files.

The CR1000 only supports the root directories of USR, CRD, and USB (and CPU but you shouldn't put image files there). You can not create sub folders in these root directories. You would tell the camera to put the images into "/USR", "/CRD", or "/USB". You will need to tell the camera

server / host = ip address of CR1000
user = ftp user name set using DevConfig
pass = ftp password set using DevConfig
destination folder = "/USR", "/CRD", or "/USB"

USR requires setting up a USR drive, use DevConfig
CRD requires a NL115 or CFM100 with CF card
USB requires that a SC115 be attached to CS I/O

smile Nov 10, 2014 07:01 AM

Dear Sam,

many thanks for your reply.

Already some time ago I solved the issue, which was actually very easy, ......much easier than expected, the classical fearful approach, to the new. It 'was very helpful to understand that you can not create sub-folders. Sorry if I have not updated my status, but I've been busy and I recently attended little the forum.


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