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Loggernet backup files?

131 Dec 19, 2012 12:09 AM

I've got loggernet 4 setup to poll our remote IP sites every 2 hours. When the file size reaches around 100Kb, loggernet creates a backup file and starts a new file. As this is only 3 weeks of data, it's painful to go back and have a look at more than 3 weeks of data at a time. Where abouts in loggernet is the 100Kb setting for automatic backup file size?



Dana Dec 19, 2012 12:41 AM

What version of the coralib3.dll does LoggerNet report? (right-click on the Toolbar, About, Versions button)

The current version of LoggerNet should only create backup files if the data file header information changes. Check the help topic in the LoggerNet Help Index, backup data files (the topic is called "Appending to Data Files"). This gives the circumstances under which a backup file will be created. Also, the LoggerNet logs may give some indication of why the backup is being created.

A future release of LoggerNet will let you set a maximum size after which a backup file will be created and a new file started, but in LoggerNet 4 or 4.1, this setting does not exist.

Dana W.

131 Dec 19, 2012 01:12 AM

G'day Dana,
Thanks for getting back to me,
coralib3.dll is
It's the same version on my laptop and the polling desktop. My laptop doesn't backup the files, the desktop does. I best peruse the help files me thinks.



AMK Dec 19, 2012 02:29 AM

It will be really nice to trigger new file creation (backup current file) based on file size or hour, day of year, or year. Looking forward to that.

jtrauntvein Dec 19, 2012 03:01 PM

I suspect that the data file backups are the result of changes in your datalogger. These changes could be things like OS version, datalogger program name, or datalogger program signature.

LoggerNet 4.2 will have the option of setting a maximum size for data files but the version of LoggerNet that you are running has no such feature. Based upon the coralib DLL version that you are reporting, it would appear that you are running LoggerNet 4.0. The version of the DLL that you are running is much more strict in the differences that it will allow between the meta-data reported by the datalogger in its table definitions and the meta-data in the table file header. These rules were relaxed in the version of the server DLL that ships with LoggerNet 4.1.

131 Dec 19, 2012 11:35 PM

I have sites where no change has been made, the only common thread to the backup files is their size. I have one site where 19 backup files have been created this year, one of them is 66Kb, that's the only time any changes were made to the logger, the other 18 files are all 111Kb. 1100+ backup files have been created this year, for less than 80 sites. I have backup files from 30Kb to 140Kb, but each sites backup files are the same size, unless a change has been made to the logger, which doesn't happen often. On my laptop, I've got the same version of Loggernet as that on the telemetry desktop machine,, purchased at the same time, I've got downloaded data files on my laptop as large as 17Mb with no backups being created.



Dana Dec 20, 2012 02:08 PM

What is the file extension of the backup files? Could there be a script running on the computer, running as a Task in LoggerNet or other task triggerer, that is creating the files?

Dana W.

131 Jan 31, 2013 09:56 PM

G'day Dana,
The files are backed up as .dat, eg: Back20121220101151_tomahawk_19202_level.dat



jtrauntvein Feb 1, 2013 01:52 PM

The file name that you describe above is not characteristic of the files getting backed up. If they were backed up, a .backup extension would be appended to the end of the file name.

It would appear that you have the "File Output Option" setting for the table set to a value of "Create Unique File Name". With this configuration, LoggerNet will generate a unique file name based upon the time stamp of the first record collected each time that data is collected from the datalogger.

131 Feb 3, 2013 06:03 AM

I'll check the file output option next time I'm in the office. Surely it's safe to assume that 1100 files that start with "back" followed by the date/time would be considered backup files?

Dana Feb 13, 2013 08:32 PM

LoggerNet does not, by default, create any file that starts with the word "Back". This would be something that has been set up on your end. As JTrauntvein points out, LoggerNet's system-created backup data files have a .backup extension.

Dana W.

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