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Erroneous Dates in data

BNZLTER Dec 18, 2012 05:47 PM

Hi there,

We manage a diverse radio network with a wide array of loggers. The data is harvested with Loggernet Admin. We then post this data using Vista Data Vision.

We have had a couple of sites that have recorded very strange dates which have messed up the posting and harvesting in Vista.

It seems to be either a logger or loggernet problem as it is present in the raw *.dat file.

One site had a single line of data from the year 2071, the other site had 3 different lines, one from 2032, and two from the early 1900's, 193*, and 194*.

We deleted these lines from the .dat files and from within the VDV database tables and have successfully fixed our problem.

I am writing here to determine if anyone else has had a similar problem with rogue dates being written in the .dat files. Or, if someone could explain why this may occur.

THANKS and Happy Holidays!!

Dana Dec 18, 2012 11:49 PM

What is the datalogger model?

If it's an older mixed array type of datalogger (CR10X, CR23X, etc), I have seen instances where if the power momentarily drops below operating range, but then goes up again, it can cause the date to go weird. I think this may have been fixed in more recent OSes, but I cannot remember details (it's been several years). In this instance, the timestamp would be corrected only by a clock check/set.

If it's a CRX000 type of datalogger, if you are using DataInterval a timestamp is not stored with each record. A timestamp is stored with each approx 1K of data (a "frame"), and when data is retrieved, based on the interval and the frame timestamps, a timestamp for every record is calculated. If you experience lapses in the data table, the timestamp can be miscalculated until it is stored again and "resynced". You may want to read the CRBasic help for the DataInterval instruction, including the discussion of Lapses for the Lapses parameter, for additional information.

Dana W.

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