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LoggerNet Server cache for RTMC

smile Dec 4, 2012 06:47 AM

Hi to All
After a change of the program of the CR1000 datalogger (which has not changed the structure of the data file), RTMC don't plot all the data for the month. I tried both options in the "update table definitions" merge, and reset, but RTMC continues to plot only the new data acquired after re-programming. What is the correct mode to restore the cache of LoggerNet server, to plot with RTMC also the data before the change in the program of CR1000?

Many thanks


Dana Dec 4, 2012 07:14 PM

Any time a new program is sent to the datalogger, there is risk of resetting the data cache. Once reset, there is no way to recover this data.

If you need long term, non-volatile storage, you may want to look at using LNDB. The installation for LNDB installs Microsoft Compact DB, so it is very easy to set up.

Dana W.

GTProdMgr Dec 4, 2012 10:45 PM

RTMC Pro can use the .DAT file instead of the cache as the source of data (historical graphing) if that helps.

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