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Transfering individual loggernet setups

french Nov 22, 2012 11:59 PM

We have a number of loggernet servers running. We are looking at moving and integrating some individual setups into already running loggernet servers.

Is there a way of transferring these over while carrying the data pointers and settings along with them?

I am aware up the back and restore method but we dont want to move the whole network map and we dont want to overwrite the network map on the existing server.

Any methods will be suitable. (moving config files, CORA .etc)

* Last updated by: french on 11/22/2012 @ 5:03 PM *

french Nov 27, 2012 05:44 AM

Al righty I managed to find a way to transfer the loggernet device setups.

There is a XML file located in C:\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\sys\bin called CsiLgrNet.xml (default installation). This contains all of your device settings and data pointers.

This is broken up into 2 main sections "<data-brokers>" containing your data pointers ,table info and "<devices>" containing device specifics.

You need to merge the required "<data-broker>" section from "<data-brokers>" and "<device>" section from "<devices>" into the new servers CsiLgrNet.xml.
They come in pairs if you have previously connected to the devices. If you have not connected than a <data-broker> will not exist for that device. Additionally there is a unique id assigned to the "<data-broker>". This id will have to match <setting id="34">XX</setting> in the <class-dev> section on the <device>.

You should be able to identify which belongs to which by there naming.

Note: Devices will have to be in cascading order and must be complete from level="0" right down to the device level.

Each "<data-broker>" and "<device>" will have a "id=xx". These will need to be unique for each section (data-brokers and devices).

Also you will need to update the "last-device-id="xx"" to what ever the last device id is in the XML file.

This is not a perfect way of transferring devices but I found it successful.

Hope it helps someone else out.

* Last updated by: french on 12/9/2012 @ 4:09 PM *

jra Nov 27, 2012 01:40 PM

Also see this thread:
But I don't think this method copies pointers, just the device setup.

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