I have previously used a 4 M pixel FOSCAM camera to capture images with a CR6 and store them on the installed SD card. With the following code this works fine as the FOSCAM has built-in CGI scripts.
'Camera variables
Public CamURI As String * 80 = ""
Public CamPicExt As String * 40 = "CamPic.jpg"
Public Status
Public CameraOn As Boolean
Public CameraTimeOn = 0
Public PicNameString As String * 100
Public URIString As String * 100
'Store the Dataloggers realtime in array rstime
Sprintf (PicNameString, "CRD:%04.0f%02.0f%02.0f%02.0f%02.0f%02.0f"+CamPicExt, sYear, sMonth, sDOM, sHour, sMinute, sSecond )
URIString = "http://" + CamURI
Status = HTTPGet (URIString, PicNameString, "")
I would like to do the same with an 8M HikVision again just capturing an image when required.
In the code above the URIString becomes:
Rather than return an image, the following HTML is returned within the .jpg file.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><head><title>Document Error: Unauthorized</title></head>
<body><h2>Access Error: 401 -- Unauthorized</h2>
<p>Authentication Error: Your client does not have permission to get URL /Streaming/channels/1/picture from this server.</p>
It seems the camera does not accept the username password format as presented but this does work in a browser. Camera and CR6 and both connected to the same router.
Any ideas appreciated.
Try adding a header to your HTTPGet with the base64 encoded username and password
Thanks for the reply and thanks also to Florent, CSI Townsville.
I tried adding the header but this also failed. I then went through all the camera settings and it turns out under
"System", "Security", "Authentication" both RTSP and WEB need to be set to "digest/basic".
Also found you need to go to
"Network", "Advanced Settings", "Integration Protocol" and enable "Enable Hikvision-CGI" and set "Hikvision-CGI Authentication..." also to "digest/basic"
Then both this
and a header version work
http_header = "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46UGFzc3dvcmQx"
http_header = http_header + CHR(13) + CHR(10)
Status = HTTPGet (URIString, PicNameString, http_header)
Complete code if interested...
'Declare Public Variables
Public PTemp, batt_volt
Public CamPicExt As String * 40 = "SLCamPic.jpg"
Public TakePic As Boolean = True
'Period to take picture in Minutes (ie 60 take picture every hour)
Public TakeDailyPicTime As Long = 60
'Public UpdateCamDisplay 'used to update daily time and date
Public Status
Public CameraTimeOn = 0
Public PicNameString As String * 100
Public http_header As String * 100
'rsTime is used to store the data loggers current real time within the camera subroutine
Public rsTime(9) 'declare as public and dimension rTime to 9
Alias rsTime(1) = sYear 'assign the alias Year to rTime(1)
Alias rsTime(2) = sMonth 'assign the alias Month to rTime(2)
Alias rsTime(3) = sDOM 'assign the alias Day to rTime(3)
Alias rsTime(4) = sHour 'assign the alias Hour to rTime(4)
Alias rsTime(5) = sMinute 'assign the alias Minute to rTime(5)
Alias rsTime(6) = sSecond 'assign the alias Second to rTime(6)
Alias rsTime(7) = suSecond 'assign the alias uSecond to rTime(7)
Alias rsTime(8) = sWeekDay 'assign the alias WeekDay to rTime(8)
Alias rsTime(9) = sDay_of_Year 'assign the alias Day_of_Year to rTime(9)
'Declare Other Variables
'Dim Counter
'Define Data Tables.
DataTable (Test,1,-1) 'Set table size to # of records, or -1 to autoallocate.
DataInterval (0,60,Sec,10)
Minimum (1,batt_volt,FP2,False,False)
Sample (1,PTemp,FP2)
'Define Subroutines
'EnterSub instructions here
'Main Program
Scan (10,Sec,0,0)
PanelTemp (PTemp,15000)
Battery (batt_volt)
CallTable Test
'Slowsequence for taking a daily and manual picture
Scan (1,Min,3,0)
'Take a image each day at the start of a TakeDailyPicTime interval or if TakePic is true
If IfTime (0,TakeDailyPicTime,min) OR (TakePic) Then
http_header = ""
Timer(1,Sec,2) 'Reset and Start Timer
SW12(2,1) 'switch camera on assumes camera is powered via switch 2
'Create a filename that include the date time
Sprintf (PicNameString, "CRD:%04.0f%02.0f%02.0f%02.0f%02.0f%02.0f"+CamPicExt, sYear, sMonth, sDOM, sHour, sMinute, sSecond )
'http header info
' Header will only work if Camera user name is "admin" and password is "Password1"
' To encode a new password go to https://www.base64encode.org/ then type in admin:Password1
' or use https://www.blitter.se/utils/basic-authentication-header-generator/
http_header = "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46UGFzc3dvcmQx"
http_header = http_header + CHR(13) + CHR(10)
Status = HTTPGet (URIString, PicNameString, http_header)
Delay (1,10,Sec) 'Allow processing to take place (could be less)
CameraTimeOn = CameraTimeOn + Timer(1,Sec,4) ' Read the timer
'TakePic = False
also works changing the URIString to
Const URIString = "http://admin:Password1@"
and commenting out or deleting the lines
http_header = "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46UGFzc3dvcmQx"
http_header = http_header + CHR(13) + CHR(10)
Note: in the example above the camera's username is "admin" and password is set to "Password1"
Hardware: Camera is a DS-2CD2085FWD-I (8MP outdoor bullet camera), both camera and CR6 are connected to the same router being a Intercel Ultra eSAM.
This post is under review.