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Connecting to CR1000 in Loggernet

azs Nov 12, 2012 04:55 PM

I have been testing the CR1000 using PC200W and I am able to connect and send programs using that software. When I disconnect from PC200W, close the software and open loggernet remote, I am not able to connect to the same CR1000 using the same computer and get the following errors. In PC200W, the pakBus address is 1. In Loggernet remote, the pakBus address is 7, because of other dataloggers.

Failure: 11/12/2012 11:51:48.461
serial port open failed","13","Permission denied
Failure: 11/12/2012 11:51:48.463
transaction failure","unreachable destination","Get Logger Program Status
Failure: 11/12/2012 11:51:48.463
transaction failure","unreachable destination","check/set clock
Failure: 11/12/2012 11:43:41.759
Open failed
Failure: 11/12/2012 11:43:50.783
serial port open failed","13","Permission denied
Failure: 11/12/2012 11:43:51.781
Open failed
Failure: 11/12/2012 11:51:48.461
serial port open failed","13","Permission denied

jtrauntvein Nov 12, 2012 06:07 PM

The "permission denied" message will get generated for serial ports when the software attempts to open a serial port that another application is already using.

azs Nov 12, 2012 07:40 PM

I get that error message in loggernet even when I disconnect the power to the CR1000.

azs Nov 12, 2012 07:56 PM

I think the issue is that the data logger is set to have the pakbus address 1. I tried to connect using the address 7 in PC200W and cannot connect there either unless I use the address 1. Since 1 is being used already in loggernet, how can I change the address of the CR1000?

BNZLTER Nov 12, 2012 08:00 PM

You need to download deviceconfig from the CSI website. It is free. You can change the PB ID with that program and I'm sure you will be good to go.

jtrauntvein Nov 12, 2012 08:13 PM

If the application cannot open the serial port, it is not going to matter in the slightest what PakBus address is assigned. You need to discover what application has the port open in order to get the connection to succeed.

azs Nov 12, 2012 08:19 PM

Why doesn't PC200W have the same problem opening the serial port? Does this mean that PC200W is the application that is using the serial port? How do I make it stop using the serial port, other than disconnecting and exiting the application? Thanks for your help.

Dana Nov 12, 2012 09:11 PM

A few key points:

LoggerNet and PC200W cannot run at the same time.
The PakBus address is assigned to the device. If PakBus address 1 works with PC200W, then 1 is what is assigned to the datalogger and you should use that in LoggerNet.

That being said, all devices in a PakBus network must have a unique address. If you have PB Address 1 assigned to another datalogger, you need to set the address to this new datalogger to something else (as noted above, it can be set with DevConfig).

LoggerNet Remote does not include the LoggerNet communication server. It was designed to connect to a LoggerNet communication server that is running elsewhere and can be accessed over TCP/IP. LoggerNet Remote cannot be used to connect directly to a datalogger, since there is no communication server running.

Dana W.

* Last updated by: Dana on 11/12/2012 @ 2:14 PM *

azs Nov 12, 2012 09:11 PM

When I try to run PC200W while loggernet remote is open but not connected to the data logger (because I have never gotten it to connect), PC200W won't open because "the communications server is already running." When I close loggernet remote, I don't have this problem. Is loggernet remote using the serial port before it even connects to the data logger?

Dana Nov 12, 2012 09:17 PM

LoggerNet can be using the COM port in certain instances, such as if the PakBus Port is set to Always open, or Call-back is enabled for the datalogger.

I will reiterate that LoggerNet and PC200W will not work at the same time, and if you actually have LoggerNet Remote rather than LoggerNet, LoggerNet Remote does not have the files necessary to connect to a datalogger directly.

Dana W.

azs Nov 13, 2012 01:41 PM

Sorry, I didn't see the earlier post before posting again. I do have loggernet remote so this explains why I can't connect directly to the data logger.

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