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NAN display in RTMCPro

ScottB Nov 5, 2012 03:35 AM


I am developing a web site with RTMCPro and the CSI web server. I am usig a mutli-state alarm to indicate if values are increasing (I show an up arrow) or decreasing (down arrow) or static (blank image), to do this I am using the Last() function to compare values.

This is all working but it takes the web client some time to 'see' teh last value, until then the web display shows an 'N' icon which I presume means 'NAN' and results from the Last function not having a value yet. This seems to occur seperatly for each client connection, that is the web server is not able to find the last value and then use this for all connections.

How can I either just get rid of the 'N' icon or better give the Last() function a value without having to wait for every web connection to stay active for enough time for a previous value to be there, the system is collecting data every 10 minutes.

Or am I missing something??



Sam Nov 5, 2012 02:29 PM

1) Make sure the value used is not from a 1 record long table, like "Public".

2) Try using one of the "StartAt" expressions like "StartAtOffsetFromNewest"

(See RTMC Help -> Contents -> Using RTMC -> Expressions)

tmecham Nov 5, 2012 02:46 PM

You could try something like this.

Alias(X,"Server:CR1000.Public.Temp_F"); X - IIF(IsFinite(Last(X)),Last(X),X)

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