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Setting the collect schedule via cora script

french Oct 30, 2012 02:29 AM

I am trying to set the collection schedule via the cora_cmd.

The line I am using is "set-device-setting DeviceName 5 1 01-01-1990 00:02:00.000 3600000 5 120000".

The error that I am getting is "-set-device-setting,"invalid setting format""

I have also tried rapping the time stamp in quotes but no success.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

kirving Oct 30, 2012 02:40 AM

The cora commands use curly brackets {} for some quoting, and that's what you probably need here.

From the cora-command manual:

2.90. set-device-setting (all versions)

2.90.3 Example

The following command sets the collect schedule seting for a station:

set-device-setting lgr 5 { true 19900101 60000 10000 10 60000 };

This example specifies that the polling schedule is enabled for the station, the schedule base date is 1 January 1990, the normal polling interval is 60 seconds (all intervals are specified in units of milliseconds), the primary retry interval is 10 seconds, the primary retry count is 10, and the secondary retry interval is 60 seconds.

french Oct 30, 2012 03:36 AM

Cheers, that did the trick. Thanks for the quick reply.

Where would get hold of this said cora-command manual?

kirving Oct 30, 2012 04:06 AM

It came with the LoggerNet-Linux package, either as an html or pdf document. I don't know if it's available separately, but it's pretty essential so probably ought to be.

french Oct 30, 2012 05:17 AM

Thanks again mate. \m/(°_°)\m/

GTProdMgr Oct 30, 2012 04:10 PM

For windows installations of LoggerNet, you find the cora command manual in the C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet
folder. The files are "cora_cmd.chm" and "cora_cmd.pdf". You can also type "help;" inside the corascript interpreter to bring up the chm help mentioned above.

french Nov 2, 2012 03:43 AM

Thanks GTProdMgr. I did find that manual but there is no example for a lot of the command references.

Massimo Feb 13, 2013 04:02 PM

I have a related query...

We setup LoggerNet server in a linux machine, and now I want to set a cron job ot upload form a CR10X logger any new data every 5 minutes

I use this script for the cora_cmd:
connect "servername";
manual-poll cr10x;

and it workst but put the data in /var/opt/CampbellSci/LoggerNet, how can I choose another directory?

many thanks

kirving Feb 13, 2013 04:22 PM

I don't know how you'd change the directory, but you could set a symlink to it or to the files you're interested in and put them anywhere.

mjb Feb 14, 2013 07:19 PM

Have a look at the list-collect-area-settings command, which will show the collection details for a given array/table of your dataloggers.

Within, you'll see the "dataFileOutputName", which you will be able to change using set-collect-area-setting.

Alternatively, you could configure this in the LoggerNet Setup screen if you have LoggerNet Remote/Admin available to connect from a windows PC.

(And a dirty secret if you just have basic LoggerNet - set up a local port forward with something like putty when you connect to your linux server: 6789 -> localhost:6789 , then start up a client app directly, and it'll connect to the remote machine..... You Campbell Science folks should just ignore this btw :P)

* Last updated by: mjb on 2/14/2013 @ 12:23 PM *

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