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Parascientific and CR1000

PPeters Oct 19, 2012 01:13 AM

Just fishing for some code or ideas
I have a 8DP010-GV2 parascientific pressure transducer with frequency output
I have previously used a 215G-101 with similar output that when connected to a CR10x we used a small interface board with a few resistors or similar
Is thias still required? I intend to deploy with a CR800 or CR1000
The supplied manual talks about a 4v peak to peak AC square wave signal with impedance less than 750ohms at 32-40 or 168 to 174 kHz

also the CRbasic code no longer includes an instruction for parascientifics so if someone has a base code they are willing to share would be much appreciated
other than that I assume it is a basic period average measurement and a set of polynomials

much appreciated

aps Oct 19, 2012 08:21 AM

I don't have any program example just some general tips. In a CR10X logger you would use instructions P27 followed by P64.

With the CR1000 (or similar) you would use the PeriodAvg instruction in place of P27 (with the range code on 2500 mVand zero threshold) followed by the linearisation equations more or less copied as is from the paroscientific documentation entering the parameters specific to your sensors as indicated in their documentation. Make sure you choose the output option for the PeriodAvg instruction to match the type of variable expected as input by the linearisation equations and set the number of cycles and timeouts as you would have in P27. (P64 simply wrapped up the equations as one instruction.)

In terms of interfaces you will probably be OK connecting the outputs directly to the logger inputs and as long as you connect the sensor grounds to the logger. The CR800/1000 have a wider voltage input range than the CR10X so should not need the signal to be divided down or clamped.

If buying more sensors from Paroscientific in the future have a look at the ones with an RS232 output. These are very easily read with our loggers; Paroscientific even have an application note describing this.

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