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Incorrect date/time string from NSEC on CR1000.Std.25

stosa Oct 16, 2012 06:02 AM


I'm using CR1000s with OS.Std.25.

A example code from CRBasic help file,
described as "Serial String to Date String Conversion",
works correctly on previous OS version(24 or older),
but NOT on OS.Std.25.

Is that bug ?
Or, please let me know how to do.



jra Oct 25, 2012 06:12 PM

Yes, that will be corrected in the next OS release. In the meantime try something like this:

Public TimeLong As Long
Public UTCTime(4) As String * 30
Public UTC_OFFSET_HR As Long = -7

Scan (1,Sec,0,0)
TimeLong = Public.Timestamp(1,1) + (UTC_OFFSET_HR * 3600)
UTCTime(1) = SecsSince1990(TimeLong,1)
UTCTime(2) = SecsSince1990(TimeLong,2)
UTCTime(3) = SecsSince1990(TimeLong,3)
UTCTime(4) = SecsSince1990(TimeLong,4)

stosa Nov 7, 2012 01:36 PM

Thanks for your reply.
I tried and got a fine result.

from far east, JPN

everhamme May 31, 2013 04:19 PM

I just wasted two hours before discovering this post. Frustrating...

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