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accuracy of TE525MM-L

XxVashxX Oct 15, 2012 01:36 PM

Hello i have a little doubt, in the specifications of the accuracy of TE525:

Up to 1 in./hr: ±1%
1 to 2 in./hr: +0, -3%
2 to 3 in./hr: +0, -5%

What is the significate of:+0,-3% and +0,-5% ?? some one can explain a little?

Thank you very much

jra Oct 25, 2012 02:08 PM

At high intensity rainfalls it is likely that the rain will keep pouring into the tipper mechanism while it is tipping so it will essentially splash out and not be registered. In those instances you would get less tips of your bucket thus the -3% and -5%.

Does that help?

XxVashxX Oct 25, 2012 09:03 PM

Thank you very much, i imagine something like that but im was not shure,

Helps a lot!! Thank you
Best Regards

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