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Iridium 9552B modem and CR1000 handshaking

kirving Aug 29, 2012 08:47 PM

I'm trying to understand why the CSI manual (July 2011) for the 9522B modem recommends turning of RTS/CTS handshaking. It does this via the &K0 setting, part of the modem command string that is sent every time the modem powers up in the example program.

One guess is that LoggerNet and logger are assumed to be configured with a max packet size small enough to avoid running into data overruns, since each packet entails end-to-end acknowledgements, i.e., effectively doing handshaking at the application level.

Another is that the logger RS232 port apparently needs to be powered on all the time if handshaking is enabled (by setting the communications buffer to a non-zero size), so using handshaking increases power use at the logger.

I would like to be able to send a file from the logger using serialOut() or serialOutBlock() commands, and have the logger-modem interface control the transfer. Has anyone done this sort of thing? I do also want to have LoggerNet able to talk to the logger for data downloads and program uploads.

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