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data loss every midnight crossover on CR1000

awiedem Aug 21, 2012 04:16 PM

Hi folks,

i have a question regarding my problem:
Currently i´m testing my logger program for later field use.
Everything works very well but with a view of the data, I registered that every night at 00:00 o'clock a data gap occurs. I measure a mean every 5 minutes. The gap-length varies from 20 min. to 90 min. or longer.
A first question would be if the first value, which is recorded after break, for example the value at 1:10, is the mean from 00:00 to 1:10 or just the mean from 1:05 to 1:10.
The second question, of course is, what is the reason for data loss.
The logger-time seems to be equal to the PC time. After one to two days, there is a shift of one second or something like that.
I connected several sensor-typs, some SE, some diff. and a WXT520 weather station.
I would be glad about some statments, maybe some of you know this problem.

thanks in advance
and best regards

aps Aug 21, 2012 04:33 PM

Have you set your PC to change the datalogger clock, if so when?

One common cause of the logger not storing data is when the clock of the logger is being adjusted by a remote time source. If this happens at the time the logger is due to store data this can result in either a skipped record or an additional record of data.

awiedem Aug 22, 2012 10:22 AM

At first, thanks for response.

Yes indeed, when I started my measurements, i have done an alignment between the Logger and my PC (done this in the upper right field in the connection software). I think I have done this a second or a third time during the last weeks if the time shift increase to a second.
No remote time source is connected.

Is there the possiblity that a to fast scan interval can cause the data loss? I scan in a 5 sec interval (without Multiplexer)

aps Aug 22, 2012 11:11 AM

For the clock setting, if you are using Loggernet to collect the data on a schedule, please check the setup for that logger and lock at the settings on the Clock tab in the Loggernet setup. If that is enabled, the clock will be checked and set at midnight every day, if you also collect data at that time.

It is also possible to write a program that can make the logger skip storing data, because it is already busy doing measurements etc, when it comes to run the scan at the time that data should be stored.

This would be indicated in the status table of the datalogger where the skipped records counter is incrementing.

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