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Coms error need help

Nigel Aug 19, 2012 09:47 PM

Hi, I have a Cr1000 where I amd using a 411 to communicate to 2 Cr800 also on 411's.

I am using getvarible to gather data.

I output the Resultcode to an input location to check that coms is working.
For a year all has been working well with the result code as 0, but now I have lost coms and the error code is 353
This is not listed so have no idea what is going on?

anyone help on this code?

I remote in using GSM or wireless internet through an attached eithernet port on the Cr1000, the latter has proven flakey so generally use the GSM.

I can connect via GSM to the CR1000 ok, batt v is fine, can't see any other issues.

Nigel Aug 20, 2012 03:16 AM

Never mind, I have coms going again.

Still unsure why 411's failed in the first place.

I got someone to unplug the master base station 411, then re plug.
After about an hour the 411's found each other again.

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