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Multiple CR216X dataloggers

LeifJ Aug 16, 2012 02:11 PM

Hi there,

I have a few questions concerning a wireless network with CR216X data loggers.

We are trying to test a system using four CR216X datalogger. One will be the 'base' (master) and connected to the computer with a RS232 cable. The other three are 'remote' (slaves) need to send the values from the sensors wirelessly to the 'base'.


I have set up all the data loggers individually with the setup program in LoggerNet, and they are measuring correct values. (Using 'Direct Connect')
I need to establish a wireless connection to the 'remote' data loggers and I'm not sure how this is done.

- Is there a procedure for this?
- Should I choose RFxxx instead of direct connect for the 'remote' data loggers?
- If direct connected. What should the pakbus addresses for the data loggers be? 1-2-3-4?

Please excuse these newbie questions. This is our first wireless network that we are building with CSI hardware. Any help is highly appreciated.

Best Regards,

jtrauntvein Aug 17, 2012 01:57 PM

The CR216 has an extremely limited amount of RAM and code space. Because of this, it is incapable of performing any PakBus routing function that would be required in the network that you describe above. In order to make the network function, you would need to connect an RF416 to the computer serial port or an RF432 to a computer USB port.

So far as the PakBus addresses are concerned, it really doesn't matter what addresses are assigned to stations so long as they are unique in the network.

I encourage you to create a model of your network in the network planner application that is a part of LoggerNet 4.1. It will help guide you in what is possible and will also generate the settings that you need.

LeifJ Aug 17, 2012 03:19 PM

Hi jtrauntvein

Thank you for your response.

I was advised by the Campbell Scientific UK office that the CR216X could work as a receiver for multiple CR216X data loggers in the field.
Each individual CR216x data logger has only one sensor connected. (Third party SDI-12 Sensor)

Is there no chance that this is possible, without using an RF4xx??

lespedeza Aug 17, 2012 03:51 PM

If you only want to pass a limited number of values from one CR216X to the next, you could take advantage of the GetValue, SendGetData or SendData instructions which are adequately explained in the CRBasic Help files.

It's not the same as using RF4xx as a router. But, depending upon your needs, it might allow you to get by without the RF4xx.

aps Aug 17, 2012 04:00 PM

I am sorry if your were given confusing information from the UK office. I am trying to find out exactly what was said by whom.

However, there is some risk of misunderstanding as it is just possible to do the second thing you ask for, i.e. have one CR216 logger collect data from others but only in a very limited way, both in terms of the amount of data trasnferrable and with limited power options.

In addition it would generally not be advocated because you would not be able to talk through the base logger to the remote loggers, for the reasons jt outlined, which limits your ability to change the configuration of the remote loggers or monitor their status.

Normally you would use a more advanced logger in place of the CR216X connected to the PC, to control the collection of the data from the remote stations and also allow the remote loggers to operate their radios in a low power mode OR use an RF416 as an interface to the PC, then have Loggernet collect the data from each logger.

If you could please remake contact with the original person you spoke to at the UK office and mention this discussion we should be able to work out the best solution for you.

LeifJ Aug 17, 2012 05:23 PM

Thank you for the response.

Of course, misunderstandings can happen.

I will look into the CRBasic help files, lepedeza thanks. Each data logger is only connected to one sensor with 4 values. This should be a limited number of values sent to the base. And I do not need to "talk" to the data loggers.

Andrew & Sam:
If the optimal (and easiest) solution is to have one RF416 or RF432 as the base, that's what we'll do, of course. Then our system would look like this instead:


- Is there an estimate maximum pieces of CR216X that I can use in this setup?

Thank you for your help,


aps Aug 17, 2012 08:12 PM

One word of warning, some of the instructions mentioned by Lepedza will not work for CR216-CR216 communications (as mentioned in the help), only the Getvalue should work.

The preferred solution is to change to the RF416/32 option if you need to talk to the remote loggers. Theoretically you could have hundreds of loggers in that configuration because if there is no base logger the routing should be dealt with by Loggernet. The limiting factor will be the time to call each logger which will be longer if you use low power settings.

lespedeza Aug 17, 2012 08:36 PM

Thanks for the correction Andrew. I use the GetValue instruction for my CR2xx->CR2xx communication in a situation where there is no base station (manual rs232 downloads), but one logger does need to know a single value from the other.

I just quickly looked this morning at the help for all the datalogger->datalogger instructions and put them up without investigating in depth. I should have been more thorough before posting.

LeifJ Aug 17, 2012 08:56 PM

Thanks for info Andrew. We will be going for the RF416/32 solution.


LeifJ Aug 24, 2012 08:34 PM

I've now gotten my hands on a RF416.

I'm using it as a point to multipoint. The RF416 acting as the router for multiple CR216X dataloggers.
The sensor is a third party SDI-12 sensor, which measures oxygen and temperature.

I've established a connection to a CR216X wirelessly through the RF416. But I'm am not getting the data from the SDI-12 sensor. Inside the Status Monitor I can see that the data is being collected every 5 minutes which is what I've choosen in the Setup.
The sensor has four parameters. One showing NAN and the others showing 0.
Temp: NAN
O2_Saturation: 0
O2_mg/L: 0
O2_ppm: 0

Now if I connect the datalogger to the com port and open Device Config and go to Data Monitor I can see the correct data being updated.

What could be the cause of this?

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