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Changing TCP port for CR1000 HTTP Web server

mwassmer Aug 14, 2012 07:57 PM

I have a CR1000 with a NL115 running on my LAN. Is it possible to change the TCP port for the CR1000's internal HTTP Web server from 80 to something else?

The reason I ask is that I already have a Web server in my network that is running on port 80.

Thank you very much.

* Last updated by: mwassmer on 8/14/2012 @ 3:48 PM *

GaryTRoberts Aug 14, 2012 09:47 PM


Are you trying to set a port on your firewall to route to your logger? Depending on your router/firewall model, you might have the ability to forward port 8181 on your router/firewall to port 80 on the datalogger.

* Last updated by: GaryTRoberts on 8/15/2012 @ 9:54 AM *

mwassmer Aug 14, 2012 09:54 PM

Thanks very much, Gary. That seemed to work. Just out of curiosity, is there a reason you suggested port 8181, in particular? I tried port 8180 and that also seemed to work. I'm wondering if there is something special about 8181.

GaryTRoberts Aug 14, 2012 10:03 PM

There is no reason to my madness. I just chose a random port number that would most likely be open. Usually routers and firewalls have a admin web interface on port 8080 or 8888 so I usually avoid those.

When I set one of these up, I try to use a port number I would remember and also one that I know won't be used by something else (currently or in the future).

http://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers/service-names-port-numbers.xml (It takes a couple of minutes to load) is a good resource for port numbers and their uses.

I am glad to see that it worked for you!

GaryTRoberts Aug 15, 2012 03:52 PM

I need to correct an earlier post here (thanks to Andrew for the heads up). You can change the HTTP Service Port in the logger to something other than port 80. Using DevConfig to change the settings in the logger, go to the Settings Editor and scroll down a little bit. The HTTP Service Port setting can be changed there to something more to the user's liking. Click Apply and then cycle power to the logger and it will now respond on the new port.

Sorry about the confusion.


mwassmer Aug 15, 2012 10:49 PM

I appreciate the update, Gary. I see it now.

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