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RTMC: Run-time only

AMK Aug 1, 2012 05:41 PM

I'm wondering whether a RTMC pro project needs to be first started and launched from RTMC Pro Dev to obtain the snapshot functionality. I'm suspecting that when the RTMC Pro project is started directly from Run-time, the snapshot features aren't working. Am I incorrect?


Dana Aug 1, 2012 07:44 PM

The Snapshots should be generated in either instance -- whether starting the project from RTMC developer or RTMC run-time.

Note that I am running Windows 7 64-bit OS, and I do not see the timestamp update, even though the image is changing. I'm not certain if this is true on all OSes or if it is OS-specific. This may be what you are seeing. If you look at the properties dialog box, by right clicking the file name, you should see the File Modified time change.


AMK Aug 1, 2012 08:11 PM

Thanks, I'm running the same OS and yes, it's only the timestamp - and maybe last value - that isn't updating. When the public views the plot, he may be confused by that. The timestamp updates when the project is first launched in rtmc dev and then launched.

Dana Aug 2, 2012 05:48 PM

My comments might have been confusing... I am referring to the timestamp of the file in Windows explorer. The public would not see this timestamp, right?


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