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Loggerlink and security enabled data loggers

Automac Jul 30, 2012 09:27 PM

I have been trying out the Loggerlink app on our network of CR3000 data loggers. Some of these loggers have security enabled, others not.

I am able to connect to the ones without security with no problems.

When I try to save a setup on one of the security enabled ones, the app returns 'Errors Detected 1. Invalid Security Code'.

I have checked multiple times that I am using the correct security code, and have confirmed this by connecting through Loggernet.

The error returns immediately after hitting save. There is no communications delay.

I am using iOS 4.3.1 on an iPhone 4, and Loggerlink v1.0.25

Has anyone else encountered this?


Dana Jul 31, 2012 06:34 PM

Valid security codes for dataloggers are 1 through 65535. However, the datalogger OS will allow you to enter a negative code or enter a code greater than 65535. With the greater than 65535 code, the datalogger will "lop off" the most significant 16 bits, or a negative value will be anded with the 65535.

I suspect your security code falls outside of the valid range.
LoggerNet allows this invalid range, and the datalogger just does the math to derive the proper code. With LoggerLink, the field has been restricted to the valid range, so you'll need to do the math* and enter what is really the code in the datalogger.


*an easy way is to use Windows Calculator. Enter the value, select the option button for Hex, enter the last four hex values and convert back to dec.

Automac Jul 31, 2012 06:57 PM

We are indeed using a security code larger than 65535. I was not aware of this limitation. Our code is 6 digits in length. I knocked off the most significant 16bits to this number and the result worked fine in Loggerlink.

Thank you!!

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