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LNDB and CR10X

kumpfjn Jul 29, 2012 12:59 PM

I'm trying to setup LNDB for several CR10X's and I get setup alright but the tables that LNDB create are not complete and do not reflect the format of the .DAT file that we get from the logger. Is there something we need to do on the CR10X program to make its tables work with LNDB?

AMK Jul 29, 2012 03:36 PM

How are the tables different? I am using the same hardware era (cr10x and cr23x) with LNDB. LNDB adds a TmStamp and RecordNumber field to the tables, but all the rest are the same. How are your tables different?

kumpfjn Jul 30, 2012 12:23 PM

Not all the columns are showing. So we have 4 multiplexors each with all 16 channels connected to gages and I'm only seeing 28 input locations plus the timestamp and rec number. Where are the other 36 channels? Its the same when I am on LoggerNet and go to Num Display. I thought it was just a limitation on that function of LoggerNet but it seems its more than that.

aps Jul 30, 2012 01:09 PM

The default number of input locations for a CR10X was 28. Have you defined labels for all the channels you are using and associated the datalogger program with the CR10X station - done either via the setup or connect client programs?

kumpfjn Jul 31, 2012 12:47 PM

I didn't realize I could do that with a CR10X since we don't program them using CRBasic. We have in the past programmed them with Canary's Multilogger since it doesn't require you to know how to use Edlog. Maybe now is the time we take this on but I'm wondering if there is an easier way? If not maybe you can send a template that has a similar configuration. We are using 4 muxs where all 16 channels are vibrating wire strain gages. Thanks again for your help, this already has helped!

kumpfjn Aug 1, 2012 12:45 PM

I'm still not seeing how to define labels for the channels unless you mean doing so in the DLD file? I see where to associate the DLD with the logger. Any advice on where I can learn how to do this?

aps Aug 1, 2012 01:26 PM

I mean using Edlog and the "InLoc ED" key to access the editor to let you assign more than 28 locations and add labels. If you then associate the program with the logger it should give you all the input locations in Loggernet and LNDB should pick them up too.

kumpfjn Aug 2, 2012 03:33 PM

Ah, I got it! Turns out you can also just set the advanced setting in Multilogger to include labels in the DLD and it will create this for you. However I don't like relying on Multilogger and would like to get more familiar with Edlog instead. Is there a way to get .dld files back to the Edlog .csi file? Also is there a way to change the table name that LNDB uses based off the logger?

aps Aug 2, 2012 04:57 PM

I am not sure what the "Multilogger" program is you refer to. A modern version of Edlog will store up to the first 255 input locations and all the final storage labels in the DLD file, although you can restrict this. Look under the Options, DLD labels settings in the drop down menues.

You can get a DLD file back to a CSI file using the "Document DLD file" in the file menu of Edlog but it won't generate labels if they were not in there originally and a program collected from a logger will usually have the labels stripped out.

I don't believe you can change the table name in LNDB as it is automatically generated.

kumpfjn Aug 2, 2012 06:12 PM

Awesome! The "Document DLD" worked like a charm, THANKS!!

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