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Push variable to CR10(X)?

wpns May 27, 2009 12:40 PM

I've got a weather station with a CR10(X) with a COM300 voice modem and a n NL100 and another utility monitor on another CR10(X) with an NL100.

I've also got a Linux box running a Perl script to talk to each of them every minute (using the 3142J command), upload weather data to Weather Underground, watch for interesting events and send Emails, etc.

The COM300 voice modem answers the phone and gives a weather report, but I'd like it to be able to also report things like water cistern level from the utility monitor.

In order to do that I need the weather station to be able to get the cistern water level from the utility monitor. I don't know if they can talk to each other over the Ethernet, or if there's a way to "push" variables form my Perl script.

I could use 3142J to toggle the user flags, which I'm not otherwise using, but that's pretty tortuous, and only gives me 8 bits.

I suppose I could do something with the serial port, but I don't have any wires between the two dataloggers, and it's a concrete house, so adding more wires is difficult, and the existing conduits are pretty full...

Is there a better way?


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