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Network download of CC5MPX images

Ron Muzzi Jul 18, 2012 04:02 PM

We would like to download an image from the CC5MPX camera directly through the ethernet port using a remote script, not a browser or Loggernet. If images are stored on the sdcard, then URL's such as this can be used to download the image:

Does anyone know a URL that can be used to trigger a manual image and then download it from memory instead of the sdcard?


Ron Muzzi Jul 19, 2012 05:53 PM

OK, I'll answer my own post in case it helps somebody else...

After working with the camera, capturing and examining packets, and other reverse engineering tricks, this is what I came up with:

To cause the camera to take an image, store it in the internal memory of the camera, and then download the image via the ethernet connection do the following:

First send the camera this URL:

You can replace the default camera IP with the IP address and port number that applies to your setup, which can work through a NAT router. To use a port other than 80, use the standard :NN convention, e.g.,

For the imagename parameter, use one of the following:

0 for 320 x 176
1 for 320 x 240
2 for 640 x 352
3 for 640 x 480
4 for 1280 x 720
5 for 1280 x 960
6 for 2592 x 1944

You'll get a response something like this (possibly all on the same line):

OK language
OK imagename
OK imagesavelocation

Wait 10 seconds for the camera to take the picture. Then send the camera this URL:

You'll get a response something like this:

OK language
OK getmanualcapture=1,0000000000000002,still_1280_960_2012_07_19_13_17_51.jpg

You need to capture this response in order to determine the correct image filename. Then send something like the following URL to download the image file using the image filename:

For additional images, you need to start over from the first step.

I use the wget program and the -O option to send and capture URL's from the camera.


Ron Muzzi Jul 19, 2012 05:53 PM

OK, I'll answer my own post in case it helps somebody else...

After working with the camera, capturing and examining packets, and other reverse engineering tricks, this is what I came up with:

To cause the camera to take an image, store it in the internal memory of the camera, and then download the image via the ethernet connection do the following:

First send the camera this URL:

You can replace the default camera IP with the IP address and port number that applies to your setup, which can work through a NAT router. To use a port other than 80, use the standard :NN convention, e.g.,

For the imagename parameter, use one of the following:

0 for 320 x 176
1 for 320 x 240
2 for 640 x 352
3 for 640 x 480
4 for 1280 x 720
5 for 1280 x 960
6 for 2592 x 1944

You'll get a response something like this (possibly all on the same line):

OK language
OK imagename
OK imagesavelocation

Wait 10 seconds for the camera to take the picture. Then send the camera this URL:

You'll get a response something like this:

OK language
OK getmanualcapture=1,0000000000000002,still_1280_960_2012_07_19_13_17_51.jpg

You need to capture this response in order to determine the correct image filename. Then send something like the following URL to download the image file using the image filename:

For additional images, you need to start over from the first step.

I use the wget program and the -O option to send and capture URL's from the camera.


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