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Mavada Jul 13, 2012 12:40 PM

ive got an annoying delay in my realtime readings.
For example: when the windspeed reaches a certain value on which a specific name appears, the name appears a second after the value is displayed....
so if it shows 17 knots, the Beaufort name is shown a second later...

Ken Conner Jul 13, 2012 05:30 PM


Is you scan rate one second? I'm guessing what is happening is that the wind speed is reaching a specific threshold, and then at the next scan the speed is evaluated and the name is displayed.

Make sure that your instruction to display a name is being executed after the wind speed measurement is made.

For example:

Public Wind_Speed
Public Threshold = 10 'knots
Public Name As String * 32

Scan (1,Sec,0,0)
PulseCount (Wind_Speed,1,1 ,1,1,.098,0)
If Wind_Speed > Threshold Then
Name = "Beaufort"
Name = ""

Also, look in the status table to see if you have any skipped scans.

Mavada Jul 13, 2012 05:51 PM

Thanks Ken,

i think ive found the solution...
The delay has to do with the fact that the beaufort name (and its instruction) which is shown with a delay is referred to a instruction which is also referred to the source...
now the beaufortname is directly referred to the original source...


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