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A DataLogger Simulator would be SUPER HELPFUL

joshdr83 Jul 11, 2012 08:03 PM

Is there a way to simulate how a program will run on a datalogger? For instance, I have a CR1000 taking measurements right now and am trying to figure out how to get it to automatically send files via ftp.

I am learning CRBasic for this, but I need some trial and error feedback to get it right - but I only have the one CR1000 which is busy taking data...

Is there a publicly available simulator that like has simple generated sensor values so that the other parts of the code can be worked on?

TaCaPica Jul 13, 2012 05:45 PM

I agree with this idea. Even experts in CRBasic (not my case!!) some times have to try their solutions. This kind of simulator would be very helpful.

Sorry about taking your post by assault....;D

JohnK Dec 5, 2012 08:45 PM

Likewise, I agree that this would be a very useful development aid.

Dana Dec 6, 2012 06:48 PM

Thank you for the feedback. We don't have a simulator right now (the precompiler is as close as we come). It's something we've considered but no projects are open to develop one.


Sam Dec 8, 2012 06:52 AM

I agree. It would be very useful.

rlwoell Jan 19, 2013 08:09 PM

Another thing that would be helpful would be to simulate a logger connection when trying to set up LoggerNet/RTDAQ/PC200W programs for connection and data monitoring.

I often provide support to people in remote locations and unless I have a logger connected to my desk computer, I have to rely on my memory to tell them what they should be seeing on their screen. For example: if they get into the monitor table, I have to try to remember what function buttons are available, where they are and what they are labled.

If instead of a live logger, could we specify a logger program to be able to populate the table monitor screen?

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