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Converting CR3 eddy covariance program to CR1

ooc Jun 5, 2012 03:42 PM

I'm just wondering if a .CR3 Open Path Eddy Covariance program can be run on a CR1000 datalogger?
I have tried copying the .CR3 program into a new .CR1 file in the CRBasic Editor and compiling it but it fails - it doesn't seem to recognise certain voltage ranges in the VoltDiff instructions, namely:

- mV1000 for the HMP45C
- mV20C for the NRLite
- mV50C for the soil heat flux plates

Do I need to change these ranges for use with a CR1000? Are there any other issues likely to crop up when using a .CR3 program on this datalogger?

Would be grateful of any advice.

AN Jul 13, 2012 04:34 PM

Yes, you can modify the CR3 program for CR1, but you may need to change not only the voltage ranges, but some entire commands may not be available on all dataloggers. Go through the program line-by-line and correct any errors that the compiler finds. CR1000 has more limited computing capabilities and fewer channels but it is more than capable of running a basic EC system.

ooc Aug 1, 2012 11:05 AM

Great, thanks for your help.

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