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CR10X and Maxstream RF Modem communication

inzunzam Jun 4, 2012 09:11 PM

I have a CR10X datalogger recording data from a pressure transducer at an hourly rate. I would like to implement a 900 MHz RS-232/485 RF MaxStream modem to the CR10X in the field and a Telephone RF MaxStream modem to the computer base. I am using PC208W software in attempt to connect the CR10X to the computer.

Comm port is verified
CR10X+sc32B+SC12Cable+(male-male-9pin-adapter)+900MHZ Modem...

...RF modem+RS-232cable+computer

I have done a 'range test' using only the RF modems and have been able to successfully send and receive data between the two. I have tried to communicate using the 'RF Modem' and 'Generic Modem' parent tab followed by the CR10X method in PC208w software.

I want to be able to manually call the datalogger and receive a week's worth of data (arbitrary calling).

Q: Do I need the SC932A adapter (is this the major problem)? Is there a way to wire the Datalogger and the RF modem directly? Is there any special programming, apart from the pin sleep set up, that the CR10X needs to connect and collect data via RF Modem?

Thanks in advance.

sjp Jun 5, 2012 07:50 PM

I have had success remotely connecting to CR10X loggers using the xTend Maxstream radios. The setup configuration I used was:
1) add a Root node (in my situation a COM port)
2) add a generic modem to the root node
3) add the CR10X to the generic modem.

You need to ensure that your baud rate on the radios match the baud rate you have setup in PC208W. If you are using the xTend RS232 radios, you also should look at your dip switches, as to ensure you are set up for point-to-point, and don't have one set up as a repeater.

The radios basically are replacing a cable, so whatever you would use to connect to a device when you where physically there, you need to have in-line in your radio setup. If have your radios in a cyclic sleep mode, then you can add extra response time in the hardware setup tab to ensure that you do not time out while the radio is sleeping.

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