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ConstTable not working on CR1000 OS22?

kirving Jun 2, 2012 06:26 PM

We have several deployed CR1000 loggers running OS22, and all use ConstTable to allow for persistent adjustments. In testing some new programs, I'm finding that changes to the constants are not actually being applied. I'm making changes using the CR1000KD keypad via the 'Configure, Settings' and 'Constant Table' menus, press Enter on 'Save Changes? Yes', but find the settings have not been changed after the program compiles.

I've tried this on two loggers, but may or may not have actually tried to make changes on the deployed systems. I see no mention of 'inoperative' constant table in the OS24 release notes.

I'll try reducing the program to a simple case...

* Last updated by: kirving on 6/2/2012 @ 12:28 PM *

kirving Jun 2, 2012 07:01 PM

const SCAN_SEC = 3


With two different loggers if I change 3 to 5 and answer yes to 'save changes' the program still has the value 3.

I am editing programs on a linux box, copying to a windows laptop running LoggerNet 4.0 using a web browser. Maybe the problem is with line endings? ... Apparently that is the case. If I open and save the file using WordPad the changes are persistent, problem solved.

As far as I can tell, the programs run fine with linux-type line endings, but at least the ConstTable feature does not work. The difference is invisible in the CRBasic editor. Maybe I just need to save using the CRBasic editor? ... Yes, that seems to work as well. I just need to remember to use 'Save and Compile' and not just 'Compile'.

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